Messages In The Music

Tommy Spero



It is the soundtrack to our lives.

At different points in life, much like the various musicians in a band, music plays a specific part. Sometimes it’s the lead singer, while at other times it is a supporting player. It is always the holder of precious memories that can be jogged unexpectedly when a particular song comes on the radio, bringing you right back to a time in your life that was defined by its sound.

Music can be the underlying bed that tells your love story. It can be the soothing voice to mend a broken heart, or calm the soul in times of sadness. It can keep you motivated during a workout, be the foundation for the wildest parties, or make the simplest ride to the grocery store seem like an epic road trip.

No matter what the song, music plays a pivotal role in defining us.

Music crosses cultures, providing us a universal language that anyone can feel even if they don’t understand the words.

There is always a message the songwriter intended. Sometimes fun and playful, while at other times deep and meaningful. The thing is, we don’t always know the meaning behind the lyrics, as it isn’t always apparent. As a drummer, I often find my inspiration in the rhythms, and there are many times they move me more than the words.

Meaning is personal, and always open to interpretation. In this book, you will find my interpretations of a wide range of songs both old and new, crossing many genres, and applying them to living, creativity, business and inspiration.

Not right or wrong, just a different perspective, truly inspired by one thing… the music.

Tommy Spero
Centerport, NY
April 2015

Messages In The Music Description:

What do you feel when you hear your favorite song? Are you scoring a winning goal or spending a holiday with your family? Are you falling in love all over again or landing an ideal job? Whatever the memory, the song’s lyrics and rhythm likely make it sweeter and clearer. In Messages in the Music, Tommy Spero explores the powerful emotions and lessons hidden in the songs we know and love. Insightful and accessible, Messages in the Music beckons us to pursue our passions and transform our lives.

What can “We Will Rock You” tell us about developing the confidence to start and complete a project? Can Tina Turner teach us to channel inspiration into our work and relationships? Spero shows us that with a new set of eyes—and ears—that yes, she can. Classic & Modern hits form a narrative of self-expression and awareness in Messages in the Music. With wit and creativity, Spero explores how music helps us to accept change, embrace personal strength, and find purpose—all with authenticity, integrity, and gratitude.

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