
Doug Couse



Except for the glowing red and yellow eyes, the darkness was all-consuming. In this place, even the distant screams of agony fought to break through the choking blackness. This was one of the darkest areas in this place, and the sense of dread hung like a thick fog. There was no joy or peace here, only misery, which oozed from every crevasse like blood from an open wound. Scratching and clicking could be heard reverberating off the walls, but to discern its origin was impossible. The only way one could tell anything was moving at all was to follow the blurred trail of the eyes as they moved, and eyes were moving everywhere.

The multitude of colored orbs appeared to float effortlessly through the blackness. At times, two sets of eyes would affix their gaze on one another, and if one did not look away quickly enough, an all out battle would ensue for dominance. The eyes revealed no pity or mercy from the creatures that looked through them, only hatred and death. In this sea of blackness, there were many regions. Regions that were dimly lit by dancing pockets of flames on the ground cast some form to what was behind those eyes.

Creatures, hideous creatures of all sizes, could be seen wandering the catacombs, waiting for their call. Some walked erect, just as humans would, while others preferred to dig their claws into the cavern wall and scurry along. Still, other realms were nearly fully lit by the lapping flames from above and below. The dark spirits were immune to flames and enjoyed staring at them almost becoming mesmerized by their beauty as the tips danced, forever bringing light into this darkness.

Revelation Description:

Demons are swarming.
Angels are preparing.
A Christian school is about to become ground zero for the timeless battle of good vs. evil.

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