Enyo’s Warrior – An Interview with Niki Livingston


This week we are chatting to Niki Livingston author of Enyo's Warrior. 


51CBXQFdHsL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

The first time people meet me in person, most have commented on my cold personality. However, I am far from cool or icy, even though I have been nicknamed the Ice Queen many times throughout my life. Once people get to know me, they discover the depth of my personality.

I know I can come off icy, and it is an aspect of myself I have worked on improving for many years, but I can't always disregard my initial instinct. The unexpected part surfaces when people realize I am actually a warm, genuine, and deep feeling person, along with being loyal to the core.



What kind of books do you write?

Currently I am working on a Fantasy series, Theia's Moons. I am working on the third book, plus I'm slowly writing a Prequel. I am also beginning a short story/novella that will be a comedy.


What inspired you to write?

Reading inspired me to write when I was younger. I loved losing myself in other people's stories, and eventually I realized I could do the same within my own stories.

As I've grown up, many experiences have inspired me to write, for example, a rainfall in the mountains that creates multiple rainbows, or a run through the fresh snow, or sunsets over a nearby lake. Nature has a way of opening up the creativity in me, and encouraging my writing skills.


What makes your writing stand out from the crowd?

I am inspired by strong women, who do not give up the fight. As well, I admire the free spirits of our world. Creating a fantasy world of my own, with a twist of action/adventure and a sprinkle of romance and paranormal, while incorporating the free spirits and strong women, I believe this is how my writing stands out from the crowd.


What is the hardest part of writing – for you?

Connecting the dots is the most difficult part of writing for me. I love writing the core scenes, but creating a way for them to all connect, can become extremely mundane for me. Editing is the second most difficult part of writing for me.


Where do you like to write – what is your routine?

I don't have a great routine, but I definitely require solitude to write. I can doodle and outline anywhere, but when it comes down to the actual genius of inspiration, I need a quiet space, where my keyboard and I can become one.



What do you do when you are not writing – do you have a day job?

I have a family first and foremost. Sometimes I have to remind myself to take a break and be a mother and a partner, but they are always my first priority. I also have a job as a Senior Buyer, for a Contract Manufacturer.

I began working there thirteen years ago as the receptionist. I was a single mother, with a drug addict ex-husband, and this company saved me from spiraling down a deep, dark tunnel. I have acquired a multitude of valuable skills, which have also assisted me in my writing career.


Do you work with an outline or just write?

Both. I like to create a short outline before writing to guide me on my path, however I usually only adhere to those few set scenes and the ending. Although I have slightly shifted scenes here and there as I have realized they are better set in different places. I prefer just writing, with minimal navigation, because that is how my brain operates. Rules are meant to be broken, and as much as I admire a free spirit, I become one in my writing.


What advice would you have for other writers?

If you are brand new to publishing a book, I would advise you to create your platforms in social media before you publish. Create excitement about your books and writing on these platforms, and stay engaged and consistent, so your readers know you will not abandon them.

Another piece of advice, higher a top-notch editor. This is a must, no matter how much you believe you are an expert in editing. Having a impartial eye read your book is probably one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

Social media is how I stay in contact with my readers, so it is top on the list of importance. I am beginning to research and learn new ways to market, aside from social media, and I am realizing it is high on the list of importance, as well. I want my readers to know they are significant to me, and I desire to increase those readers, so the only way to do that is to market like crazy.


What's your next step?

Right now, I am working on book three of Theia's Moons, along with a slow write of the Prequel, which will be featured on my blog/website and Wattpad. I am hoping to write my comedy story as well, before the end of 2016. Always writing, is my next step!


Enyo's Warrior by Niki Livingston is available here.

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