#SkintoSoulBeauty Unleashed – An interview with author Neva K Read


Today we are chatting with Neva K Read the author of #SkintoSoulBeauty Unleashed
51At9g1HdgL. SY346 Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I love fast sports cars and adrenaline!


What novels affected you the most growing up?

Chinua Achebe's ‘Things Fall Apart'
The Narnia Series
All books by Laura Ingalls Wilder


Where did the idea for your current book come from?

#SkintoSoulBeauty was born when I realised that as a young, successful woman, I found myself needlessly obsessing and stressing over my beauty and identity. I gradually came to realise that the world today presents unrealistic and shallow beauty standards that put women under unnecessary pressure and strain. After taking stock of my life I decided to do something about my personal belief system – and seek a beauty that was deeper than skin deep. One that would elevate my life choices, purpose and self confidence first from within.


Do you think there's any way you could ever run out of ideas for books?

Not at all – I've got quite a few ideas lined up already! I'm deeply passionate about #skintosoulbeauty – and the movement it is becoming. I have loads of ideas on how to help women look beyond the surface and discover their true potential in all areas of their life. The #skintosoulbeauty journey has just begun!


What is your routine for writing and has this method changed over the span of your career?

As a young journalist, I'd write behind a desk but these days, working from home, I write best at night when the kids are in bed and the house is quiet.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

Marketing is extremely important. You can have the best story and idea but if no-one knows about it, then it remains muted. I believe in not being shy about shouting out your gifts, talents, stories and ideas – because I believe that they're not bestowed just for our own enrichment but to reach and impact others.


What advice would you have for other writers?

What I've learnt over the past few years as a writer is the importance of strategically planning the publishing and marketing of your book, as much as planning and writing the book itself. In some cases, the marketing of the book is twice as hard as writing the manuscript itself. Also, book covers, fonts and book titles can make or break your book – so design these carefully.


What are you reading now?

The Expanse' book series by James S A Corey. I got hooked on the TV show and I'm loving this new and fresh perspective on the future.


What’s your next step?

To keep marketing the book and to begin planning the first #SkintoSoulBeauty events … we've had considerable interest in these and we can't wait to get started!


#SkintoSoulBeauty Unleashed is available on Amazon here 

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