BE NICE – an interview with the author David Portlock

Hannah Jenkins

David Portlock tells us where he got the inspiration for his book BE NICE and what advice he has for other writers.

BE NICE cover



Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

As I was writing my first novel, BE NICE, I was diagnosed with lymphoma. The last thing I ever dreamed of was having cancer. After six months of chemo, I was in isolation for three weeks undergoing stem cell replacement surgery, more chemo followed. I only mention all this because at no time did I stop writing. As far as I'm concerned…there are no excuses.


What novels affected you the most growing up?

“The Illustrated Man”, “The Martian Chronicles”, “I, Robot”, “The Outsider”, and anything Marvel Comics put out or Rod Serling put on The Twilight Zone.


Where did the idea for your current book come from?

After seeing the rise of student protests across the country, an idea came to me. What if everyone under thirty-five revolted and took over the major cities of the world and imposed martial law in the form of forced kindness? Racial hatred, any form of religious demagoguery, greed, criminal activity, or intolerance was cause for a visit by the local BE NICE group; and that visit was never a pleasant one. And then I asked myself what would happen if two members of the movement began to seriously question its violent tactics?   


Do you think there's any way you could ever run out of ideas for books?

Never. I have a notebook full of ideas.


What is your routine for writing and has this method changed over the span of your career?

I only write when I'm inspired, when an idea strikes me. And then I go all out for however long it takes, be it months or years, to finish.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

Both are incredibly important. Marketing, especially on social media, allows you to reach hundreds of thousands of new readers.


What advice would you have for other writers?

Do not release a book until several copy editors have had a chance to go through it first. I can't stress this enough. No matter what it costs, pay them!


What are you reading now?

Reading “Fahrenheit 451” again, and loving it.


What's your next step?

Marketing BE NICE non stop.


Follow David Portlock on Twitter – @PortlockDavid

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