Accounts of Furlasia: Kunklestick’s Prophecy – An Interview with the Author M.P VanderLoon

Hannah Jenkins


Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I think part of my creativity comes from having internal conflict about life and my ever long battle with depression. I strive to give people the same escape i so often seek through movies, books or tv shows.

kunklesticks cover


How did you get into writing?

I realized one day i had fallen into a ritual of settling for jobs just because they pay, it didn't seem to matter if i was happy. That's when i decided it was time to put my talents to work. I have so many stories to tell and i was letting them collect dust in my mental library.


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

Kunklestick is a character I imagined as a little kid, I used to pretend to be him. Of course, back when I was a kid, Kunklestick wasn't nearly as fleshed out as he is in my current books.


How long did it take you to write this book?

Kunklestick's Prophecy took me a year, but the sequel went far faster.


Have you got any writing rituals?

I often like to have some kind of scent in the air, a candle or maybe an essential oil. I also frequently listen to epic music scores on spotify. The music really helps me form scenes in my head.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

Marketing is very important and I do tend to do most of it on social media, that being said, its an area I could improve on. Booksgosocial has already given me some neat ideas.


What advice would you have for other writers?

Do not let yourself get discouraged by the many nights of writers block you are bound to have. If you are not feeling it, put it away and try again later.


What are you reading now?

I'm reading Firefight by Branden Sanderson.


What's your next step?

Currently I am in the process of finishing up my Accounts of Furlasia trilogy, after that who knows.


What are your top 3 books of all time?

Truth be told, growing up I was never a heavy reader, but I will say i thoroughly enjoy To Kill A Mockingbird. Two other books I really enjoyed are, Steelheart and The Hunger Games


Do you read your book reviews?
Yes i do, even the bad ones.


Follow MP Vanderloon on Twitter: @Mpvanderloon

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