An Interview with Carol James Marshall, Author of the Women of the Grey Series

Hannah Jenkins

Star Burst cover

Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I love watching owl GIF's on my phone. Whenever I need to check out that's what I go to.


How did you get into writing?

There was never a moment that I decided to get into writing. I have always written stories, poems, etc. It was in the last two years that I decided to take my writing seriously and do something productive with it.


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

The Women of the Grey series came from an odd idea when I saw a ying yang symbol. I wondered if one was chaos and the other peace, what was in between? Grey, of course. The idea for my women who are not very nice or extremely wicked was born.


How long did it take you to write this book?

Writing the book is easy, it's everything else that requires patience. Starburst book 1 took 4 months to write and a year to perfect. Red Drug book 2 took 6 months to write and 5 months to polish up.


Have you got any writing rituals?

I am unable to sit still for long. I am guessing many authors write for hours at a time. I am incapable of that. I write in spurts throughout my day. I might sit and write for 40 minutes, then get up and do something. It might be 10 minutes then I get up and do something. I write when the urge is there telling me to.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

It is vital and everything to the indie author.


What advice would you have for other writers?

There are 1000's of people in the universe trying to give you writing advice .99% of it is bologna.


What are you reading now?

The Third Choice by Kira Tynan I'm not sure if it's out yet. I only read fellow indie authors. I stay clear of the big names, bestsellers all of that. I like to stick to my people. Help out other new indie authors, that need reviews.


What's your next step?

In writing, I am writing an independent horror novel The Demon Dealer. While I am doing that I will also start a rough draft of Stainless Steel book 3 in my Women of the Grey series. Along with that I am taking marketing classes, soaking up all the info I can on book and audiobook marketing. Along with that I have plans on starting my own podcast that I will write a series for.


What are your top 3 books of all time?

My first answer might shock you. I came from a strict household where certain subjects were not explained. This book saved me, by allowing me to view puberty from a young girls perspective.

  1. Are you there God? It's me Margaret Judy Blume

I was an unhappy, grumbling, confused teenager. The Catcher in the Rye let me know I wasn't the only weirdo out there.

  1. The Catcher in the Rye J.D Salinger

As I grew into young adulthood, trying to find my voice as a writer Suicide Blonde hit every note on my keyboard. There is a flow to this story, a rhythm that I related to.

  1. Suicide Blonde Darcey Steinke


Do you read your book reviews?

Oh yes, I consume them like a good steak or chocolate.

Follow Carol James Marshall on Twitter: @MarshallJCarol

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