The Adventures of Jon Paul Chavalier

Nicklaus Lee


Chapter 1

Jon Paul The Wanderer

Jon Paul had always been a wandering man. He had what's called “restless bones.” He made it a practice to walk for hours in the small southeast town of Toulon, where he lived. Once, when young Jon Paul was young, he met a man during one of his daily walks- a man that looked very strange to him.

He wore a tall, black stovepipe hat and had a long nose with small glasses perched at the end. He also had long black-and-white hair and a very shaggy, rough-looking beard. Jon Paul wondered how he could see to walk with those glasses set on his nose in such a precarious way. The man also wore bright-red pants and a blue shirt. He was colorful, to say the least. As Jon Paul approached him, he stared at the old man and asked, Where are you from, sir?” The tall man stopped and gazed at Jon Paul.

“Where am I from, you ask? I am from here and there and everywhere,” he said and laughed out loud.

Jon Paul did not find this very funny. He became frustrated and asked, “What kind of answer is that? It's not funny.”

The tall man replied,” Little boy, I did not intend it to be.”

Jon Paul, being a curious boy, said, “Sir, I meant no disrespect. It's just that you looked odd and I could tell you are not from here.”

At this, the tall man said, “Son, I have traveled the world and I've seen many exciting things, things that would make most people run and hide, but you are different; you have a natural curiosity about you.”

Jon Paul, feeling embarrassed, then said, “Well, thank you kind sir.”

The Adventures of Jon Paul Chavalier Description:

Jon Paul Chavalier is a wandering man. While on a daily walk in Toulon, France, he meets a stranger who tells him he will have a bright future filled with adventures and a shiny object. Years later it seems the stranger’s prediction has come true when Jon Paul finds a gold coin and keeps it, despite his best friend’s belief that the coin is cursed.

Moments later, Jon Paul excitedly discovers the coin has the power to grant him wishes without any idea that the coin was once held by some of the world’s most powerful and evil men. As the cursed coin causes him to act strangely, Jon Paul embarks on a quest to learn more about the coin and unveil its powers. But it is not long before Jon Paul is caught in a struggle between good and evil, both in the outside world and within himself.

In this compelling tale, a man who trusts in the power of a magical coin is led down a dangerous path where he attempts to fulfill a destiny written long ago.

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