Nubiah, an Interview with Tommy Jones


This week, we're talking with Tommy Jones about his new book Nubiah.


nubiahTell us something unexpected about yourself!

I have a non profit organization named Urban City youth in Los Angeles


How did you get into writing?

I started writing songs around age ten


What are your top 3 books of all time?

Outsiders, 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, 22 Immutable Laws of Branding


Where did you get the inspiration for this book?

I wanted to inspire inner city kids of Oakland, California to develop character, Passion, perseverance and self-worth through learning about Great African Kings and Queens who ruled Great empires. These Kings and Queens were like Super Heroes similar to the Royalty depicted in the movie PANTHER, yet they were REAL, are well documented in history and studied in classroom teachings globally today. They all became successful through daily use of key values, principles and traits. Today these same principles are necessary for an early success in life. One by one they explain their core value system, who they are and obstacles they overcame in order to achieve greatness. The stage play Hamilton has a similar delivery in spoken word style yet the NuBiAh theme is “Listen to the Drum” communicates find your rhythm, develop your passion, then a strategy that coincides with key values, principles and traits, a daily regiment in order to accomplish your goals.


How long did it take you to write this book?.

3 years


Have you got any writing rituals?

Yes, whenever you get an idea, write it down then rank it. Do this everyday until your project is published and even afterwards for the sequel.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

Very important, Social media is at the top for market penetration


Do you read your book reviews?

Yes, NuBiAh has been written about in numerous News Paper reviews


What advice would you have for other writers?

Keep writing. Never put the pen down.


What are you reading now?

Marvel comics Black Panther franchise


What's your next step?

Work on getting the NuBiAh DVD stage play to a nice short film.


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