Public Relations a Misunderstood Profession.

Patricia E. Gitt

In simple terms, public relations is having a story/interview/book reported by the media as news. Resulting articles and interviews are therefore treated as credible information, not as a paid advertisement.

But to a PR pro, there is nothing simple about a competent approach to the media. Each client will be supported with specific tools tailored to their book, company, or service. The following is an overview to help explain how public relations can assist authors in reaching out to reporters.

Major Misconceptions

  • Reporters at news organizations are waiting to hear from you.
    Not true.
  • A press release is all you need.
    Depending upon the outlet, reporters will receive anywhere from 500 – 5,000 press releases daily and of those most are discarded.
  • You are the only one with a book, worthy of a reporter’s attention.
    Not true.
  • If you call or write enough, reporters will use your information.
    Working on short deadlines, reporters rarely have time to connect with an unknown person or read volumes of information. Your approach has to cut through this clutter.


Why reporters will pay attentionDepositphotos 219567378 xl 2015

  • Your approach was that of a professional.
    You directed succinctly stated information to the right reporter.
  • You didn’t harass reporters with phone calls and essay-length information.
    A brief who, what, where, why and when, must be communicated in your initial contact. The skill is in doing that in a way to catch the reporter’s attention so they will get back to you requesting detailed information.
  • Your targeted approach showed that you understood the reporter’s role.
    You don’t present your book to a news editor, unless that reporter wrote about your topic…or a biography to a sports reporter unless the book was about an athlete.
  • Your initial contact is no longer than 2-3 sentences if by email, 2-3 paragraphs if by snail mail…in which you say you have detailed information (the media kit) available on request.
  • You provided an easy way for the reporter to get back to you.
    via phone/email/text information.
  • You demonstrated that you know their work.
    It is flattering if you mention something the reporter had covered, especially if it can be linked to your book.


How it is done

  • Framing the story.
    Create the news hook to grab a reporter’s attention. Remember you are not the only author seeking media coverage.
  • Media Kit – The following pieces are the basic one-page pieces of a campaign. However, in the larger world, the media kit can include additional information in the form of a video, book, previous interviews, etc.
  • Press Release – no longer than 300 words, and the first sentence should tell the whole story. A press release without following up is a wasted effort.
  • Synopsis – An overview of the special elements of the book to demonstrate the uniqueness of the story.
  • Biography – one paragraph on market niche, one on your book(s), one paragraph with your credentials to demonstrate your background experiences, education, as well as any honors/awards. If seeking interview or speaking opportunities the additional information about your background will be important.
  • Identifying appropriate reporters.
    Make sure you send your information to the reporter most likely to write about your book/topic.
  • Contacting reporters
    Email – The first step in establishing contact must be short and to the point.
    Follow-up via email or phone in one week, but keep it brief.
    Have media kit materials ready to send immediately after an initial show of interest.
  • The interview
    Prepare a Q&A in advance that covers important points (can also be part of your media kit). This helps the reporter, who won’t know you, to quickly grasp your story/book, and the fresh angle they can use during an interview. And yes, some will simply use your material so make sure the Q&A is interesting.
  • Following up with a note.
    Reporters are people too and appreciate a thank you.
  • Marketing the results.
    Resulting newspaper, magazine, radio or television interviews can be placed in your own media kit, on your website, and sent to agents and publishers to show that your book/topic has generated interest by the news community.


Book Publicity

  • Fiction
    More difficult for an unknown author to get the attention of reporters/reviewers.
  • Non-fiction
    Easier because there is usually a newsworthy angle that makes the information timely.
    Last words: Approach reporters to offer new information, not a demand for attention. People respond favorably to nice people.

* * *

CEOPatricia E. Gitt, is the author of four novels featuring smart women in dynamic careers faced with an enemy seeking their destruction.

Check her website for information about her fast-paced, dramatic mysteries.

If you are a writer or a publisher who wants to be featured visit BGSAuthors - our dedicated site for authors and publishers.


  1. Elinor Ruskin

    Wish I had ‘this excellent information when I started out in the PR business. Good job. Very to the point.

    • Patricia E

      I was lucky to have had excellent training in the beginning of my career.

  2. Kathy

    Brilliant! Great insight. I’d no idea what went into a media kit. Thank you 😊

    • Patricia E Gitt

      Thank you. This is a topic dear to my heart.

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