Flynn Hyland’s mysterious animal

Matthew Goddard

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1. “Serenity”

The problem I have with crocodiles isn’t necessarily the fact that they are big and dangerous carnivores with one of the largest bite forces known in the animal kingdom. It’s their sneakiness. Hidden beneath water’s murky surface, they can lie in wait holding their breath for more than ten minutes. There they remain, motionless, with the patience of a skilled chess player, watching their prey and studying their behavior. The more they learn, the greater their accuracy, and the greater their accuracy the poorer the chances are for walking away. If you’re in crocodile territory you don’t know where they are, then it’s too late for you.

Luckily for me that little snippet of wisdom comes from reading a book and from observing crocodiles behind the safety of a thick glass window at the zoo. Where I live and go to school, as well as work after school, there aren’t any dangerous wild animals like crocodiles roaming free, which is fine by me. There’s Mr Sternman our school caretaker, and he can get pretty grumpy, but that’s about as dangerous as it gets.

Otherwise, we live in a quiet and peaceful part of the world in a little township called Bridgemount where I am a year-seven-level student at Bridgemount Elementary, and the only thing I have to worry about in life is earning enough pocket money so that I can start crossing off essential items on my list of things to buy.

Grandma Found a Gecko

Vincent F. A. Golphin

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Ai Yee! Help me !
EEEEEeeeee!!!!! We heard that sound echo.


When Grandma found a gecko.

She found him half asleep in the toe of her right shoe.


Thank You, Teacher! A Thank You Gift Book for Teachers

Ziva Solay

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Teachers have such a profound impact on our lives and our future. Teachers help us to recognize our potential, discover our passions and follow our dreams.

This book is designed to let a special teacher know that you recognize and appreciate just how impactful their role has been.

Various gratitudes are featured in this Thank You Gift Book for Teachers …. because every day is a good day to say Thank You to a Teacher!

Pepper, Pumpkin and the Magical Pajamas: Pumpkin is Missing

Rita Madison

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Pepper woke up very excited this morning. She couldn’t wait to play with her best friend Pumpkin before she got dressed for school.

Pumpkin would creep up the stairs when she heard Pepper’s bedroom door open and run into her room. Pepper would pick her up and give her the longest hug.

Pumpkin would purr and look up at Pepper and lick her face. Pepper would hug her tighter. She loved her cat, Pumpkin.

Pepper called out to Pumpkin over and over again. Normally Pumpkin would be sitting outside her door but not today. Pepper had no idea why Pumpkin was not at her door.


The Creeper and the Cat

Christine Dzidrums

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“Tonight is my birthday,” SSSSammy SSSSlinks mumbled happily as he sat up in his green bed. “I am getting a cat tonight!”
For many weeks, the little Creeper had counted the days until his birthday. SSSSammy had asked for a cat. He felt certain that he would finally get one for his birthday.

What would he name his cat? SSSSammy had many ideas running through his square head. Maybe he would call his cat Tom, Coal, or Creep Creep.

The Three Little Lawnmowers Make A Friend

Emily Bruce




One sunny day, Mama Tractor was mowing a large field when she came upon a huge mound of rusted metal. She looked closer and realized that it was the big bad combine.


As Mama got closer, she heard a moaning sound. An old, tired voice said, “Will you help me?”


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