Alien Crucible: An Interview with Selina Valen Brown


This week we are chatting to Selina Valen Brown author of Alien Crucible: Log 1 Matter | Antimatter


51kxgJllHmL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I wanted to design ships/boats but the math I needed, which I love, was beyond me. I love to design space ships now.


What kind of books do you write?

I write speculative soft science fiction with my latest series having a strong military theme. But it’s not the usual space marines type of story, it’s more like military black ops with unconventional wars.


What inspired you to write?

I am inspired by the possibilities of life and love to explore those possibilities.


What makes your writing stand out from the crowd?

I’ve been told I have a unique voice, and quirky sense of humor. But aside from that I’m not sure. I just love to tell stories.

Most of my work, whether artwork or written work, has a foundation in “eco-criticism”. I’m interested in the relationship between people and their environment and explore new ways to place my characters in cultures where views on ecological balances are important. In addition, “bioregionalism” is another frame of reference for most of my work. I believe that humans, animals and plant life share a place in space and time and when I build my fantasy worlds I try to combine aspects of sustainability, politics and self-sufficiency.

Finally, “conflict theory” is a foundation for my stories. And so, many of my ‘races’ exist in times of civil conflict and while they may seek alternative means to resolve differences, when it comes to actually resolving issues sometimes the only way is war.


What is the hardest part of writing – for you?

Letting it go. I’m very critical of my own work and have to fight the urge to hold on to it and keep working/editing. I have actually written quite a few books (over 30) but most are sitting in my computer! However, I am learning to let go. I want to share my work and will allow my readers to guide me.


Where do you like to write – what is your routine?

I can write my drafts any time of the day or night but the editing stages must be done in the morning. I can write anywhere but I have a nest with computers, notepads, sticky notes, writing implements, good lighting, coffee, and silence.


What do you do when you are not writing – do you have a day job?

I was able to take two years off work to pull my science fiction stories together – to learn to let it go. We’ve been able to extend that time by another year. I started working when I was fifteen and have worked mostly full time for thirty years. It was only during my part-time working years I could write.


Do you work with an outline or just write?

It depends on how strong the idea is. Sometimes I have just written and sometimes I have made an outline, sometimes I do both. Both times I have experienced the joy of when characters take over and do their own thing. I recommend writers research various methods but find their own way.


What advice would you have for other writers?

Find a way to stay connected to the world around you. If you get stuck just move to something that inspires you. I like listening to music (I play a scene over and over until it’s the way I like it). Go for a walk. Chat to a friend. Draw a picture. Do some gardening. Write at the best time and place for you. Don’t give up. Love what you do.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

Marketing should be very important but I’m terrible at selling myself or my work. I’ve had to accept that and reach out to those who can do that. I love twitter for social media, and I love to connect to other authors and readers. This is very important to me as I am fairly isolated when I write.


What's your next step?

I will continue to work on my 18 log science fiction series, re-working my older books and releasing them (Kingdoms Away is being proofread at the moment), and building my “Alien Crucible” brand. If I can’t make a living from my writing (and just a little will do) I’ll return to work but still work to get my stories uploaded. It’ll just happen more slowly! Writing will become a hobby again instead of being a possible career.


Alien Crucible: Log 1 Matter | Antimatter by Selina Valen Brown is available here.

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