The Everyday Remember; Holocaust Legacy – An interview with author David Weiss


Today we are chatting with David Weiss the author of The Everyday Remember; Holocaust Legacy.



Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I am the grandson of four Holocaust Survivors and have written these books to keep the Legacy alive.


What novels affected you the most growing up?

Night by Elie Wiesel and the Diary of Anne Frank


Where did the idea for your current book come from?

I always knew that I had the opportunity and obligation to share the story of my four amazing grandparents. The books are about their entire lives, not just the Holocaust. These awful years were, however, the central event for them and a horrific time that should never be forgotten or repeated.


Do you think there’s any way you could ever run out of ideas for books?

No! Absolutely not! There are so many possible topics. I have been contacted by nearly a dozen people with their own amazing Holocaust story. There are literally hundreds of thousands of untold stories about this time period. There are other events and topics that I would love to write about as well. I will never run out of ideas, that's for sure!


What is your routine for writing and has this method changed over the span of your career?

I like to write when I am alone and when it is completely quiet. I prefer to write in my home and tend to go many, many hours straight. I also prefer to write a lot and then narrow it down and take things out later on. I have always written this way, it must be how my mind works.


How important is marketing and social media for you?

It is very important. I want new generations of people to know about my grandparents and about the Holocaust in general. Social Media is a great way to spread the word and involve people from all over the world. One fantastic aspect of the internet is that it allows people to satisfy their intellectual desires. My goal is to use social media to get these books into the hands or on the screens of as many people as possible.


What advice would you have for other writers?

If you have an “idea”, you have a book. Organization, grammar, any of those details can be worked out. It's all about the “idea” and being able to connect it to the proper voice. Another piece of advice is to finish your work and get it ‘out there'. I am sure that there are millions of partial-books written in people's note pads and on loose leaf paper in folders. Put it all together and make something if it! It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be something that you want to share.


What are you reading now?

I am reading John McEnroe's autobiography “You Can Not be Serious”. I enjoy his honesty and the way he puts his feelings into words. I am a big fan of biographical content.


What’s your next step?

I am writing my fourth book. It is a detailed account of my paternal grandparents experience during the Holocaust. “Czech Mates: Holocaust Legacy” covers their entire life but this new book will get into more specifics about the very, very hard years.


The Everyday Remember; Holocaust Legacy by David Weiss is available on Amazon here 

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1 Comment

  1. David Weiss

    Thank you for the interview. I hope people take a look at the free blogs and book opportunities at the website. It’s always a good time for Holocaust Commemoration and emphasizing Human Rights.

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