Awakening: The Prophecy Tales



If prison could be beautiful and, in it, family could be found, Mayven wassure fate had granted her such a boon. This apartment had been her prison, a necessary one perhaps, but prison nonetheless, as long as she could recall. Love had been her keeper and destiny her sentence. Fate—the keeper of the keys—was unlocking the doors at last. However, Mayven found the cost was more horrifying than the thought of a life spent in servitude to a destiny she had never wanted and still didn’t understand.

Today, it felt like heaven and all its contents weighed on her young shoulders. Prophecies, destinies and hopes of a world she had never really seen weighed against the life of the man who represented the only family she had ever known.

Mayven studied the building across the street, admiring the broad branches of the willow tree that were artfully curved around the exterior of the trunk. The smaller leafy branches twisted together to form a living railing, the fluttering leaves dancing softly in the slight summer breeze. Along the path of the broad, leafy walkway, crystal windows—bright round portals of glass—caught the last rays of summer light, making the massive trunk of the tree appear as if it were studded with brilliant gems. Behind the windows, as the light grew dimmer, the warm glow changed the gems into radiant orbs. Between the windows, doors seamlessly opened and closed. Except for the crystal pads marking their locations, one would not recognize the doorways that silently slid open after a series of buttons were pressed on the crystal displays. The doorways had no permanent openings but instead appeared and vanished into the wide expanse of the massive tree upon demand.

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