Happiness An English Version of Khushi

Dinesh Khetia & Sagar Khetia



We build many relationships with people in the society that we live in. We are constantly in search of something amongst all the love, feelings, jealousy, enviousness, failures, anger, happiness and joy. We always feel that there is still something missing, even if we have everything. And to achieve that “Missing something” we undertake many struggles. We change ourselves with time and between all the struggles, success and failures we keep living our lives. And this process is proof of our existence.

Our constant struggle is to find true happiness, love and feelings. We are always on the look out for happiness, joy and satisfaction. We always have many things to bring us happiness, but those materialistic
things have increased the distance between people. My room, my house, my things and between all those
things, the feeling of “ours” is lost. Being dependent on others seems to look like an old age thought. Sentiments and the meaning of life seem difficult in this modern lifestyle. Only success has become the true identity of a man.

So it is obvious to have cut-throat competition. We want success at any cost. People lie, cheat, flatter and rob other people for success. The bigger the success, the bigger the price. This materialistic lifestyle has created the environment of doubts, fear, lies and cunningness rather than trust. Humans are not bad, society is. In this environment of lies, competition and fear, a man has to do certain things for survival which he may not like. How can we feel happy in such an artificial environment? And that is where this book is born.

We cannot increase or modify years of our life, but it is in our hand to make our life happy and healthy. This is a very humble try to present “Happiness” in easiest language possible. You may already know few things that are part of this book, and you may also know something more than that as well. But still don’t take this book as exhortation, just take it as a friendly dialogue. We were not planning to add the topic of “Death”, but without death “Happiness” would have remained incomplete.

This book may have some mistakes, we apologize in advance for that. Your criticism, opinion and advice are always welcome. We wish this book brings happiness to all.

With best wishes,

Dinesh Khetia & Sagar Khetia

Happiness An English Version of Khushi Description:

Lets turn possibilities into realities, opportunities into success. Lets enjoy our lives by converting Occasions into festivities. Our existence is our biggest achievement and that is the reason why we have many choices. “Happiness” is also one of those choices. Let us all be happy, and no one will stop us from doing that except ourselves. “Happiness” doesn’t end here, it is the beginning if you accept it.

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