Live Sunny Side Up: The B’s of Joyful Living

Aurora A. Ambrose aka Vicki Evans



Be Wiser, Rise Higher:
Choose Your Attitude and Altitude


Truly, one’s attitude determines one’s altitude in life’s journey.

That attitude or perspective colors everything in life. In my opinion, the more positive the attitude, the higher the altitude to be achieved. Therefore, your perspective is your elective. That said, living sunny side up, like a fresh daisy, upturned towards the sun, is my lifestyle, by choice. It is said that I tend to have a sunny disposition. That means that being intentionally cheerful, optimistic, upbeat, cooperative, encouraging and motivated, with a ready smile on my face and a song in my heart, is my usual choice of mindset. That is correct. I said, it is my choice of mindset.

The same can be true for you if that is your decision. In this age where one’s brand is one’s life or business, did you ever think about what your brand is? Oh, you don’t need to have a business to have a brand, for your brand is everything you are, say, do and believe. It is what you show day in and day out. What do people know about you? Are you upbeat and productive, or always finding fault with something or someone? Are you accepting of your responsibility for where you are in life, or are you blaming everyone else for your plight?

As it is often said, “every tub has to stand on its own four feet,” so let us choose to brand ourselves and our lives with the joie de vie, or joy of life, and the attitude of gratitude, we all were designed for. Since our greatest power is to choose, we must set our minds daily.

Live Sunny Side Up: The B’s of Joyful Living Description:

“Live Sunny Side Up: The B’s of Joyful Living” is a delightful, upbeat, self help book, full of practical insights and inspirations, enabling readers to improve their lives and well being by changing the way they think.

The book highlights various techniques to employ as habits are restructured in order to discover the joy of living and improved health.

Change your thinking and enjoy your life!

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