How to Know Yourself: 4 Steps to Self-Awareness

Frank Daley



This book poses four steps on the path to Self-Awareness in the form of four questions, which, after you answer them, will draw you closer to success in your personal, academic, and professional life. There are many products, websites, and books on self-development subjects such as self-esteem, self-confidence, self-concept, self-awareness, self-growth, self-help, and so on.

They can offer decent advice on these topics, but they don’t do what I do, which is focus on the thing that underlies all these “self-whatevers.” At Self-Knowledge College (SKC), we focus on the elemental subject that is the foundation for all self-assessment discussions: self-knowledge.

Being Yourself starts with knowing yourself. Everybody tells you to “be yourself,” but there is no point in trying to be yourself if you don’t know who you are. It makes no sense. “Be yourself” is often well-intentioned but meaningless advice. “Be yourself” is meaningless unless or until you know yourself.

Before you can discuss your self-esteem, you have to know yourself. You have to know who you are and what you want. Otherwise, how can you determine whether your self-esteem is strong? Or even know what self-esteem is? Before you can decide if you have self-confidence, you have to know what you’re measuring it against. What do you have to be confident about? What do you want to be confident about?

You can’t do this in a vacuum. That’s why you have to start with self-knowledge—the core, the foundation, the essence of the most important philosophical questions that face humanity. Who am I and what am I doing here? That’s the question to start with. What am I doing in this country, in this city, in this relationship, in this job, in this college program, in this religion, in this political party, on this planet?

Answer these questions and you’ve got a chance to enjoy a happy life. These are the kind of questions my core book can help you answer. Let’s be clear. This e-book you’re reading now is just an introduction to self-awareness, self-knowledge. After reading it, you will not have completed self-knowledge.

That will take some time, reflection, personal analysis, persistence, and effort. But you will know yourself better than you did when you began, and you’ll be on your way to greater awareness of the relationship between you and the world, and you and success.

How to Know Yourself: 4 Steps to Self-Awareness Description:

If you don’t know yourself, three bad things will happen to you.
• You won’t be in the right line of work
• You won’t be with the right person
• You won’t be happy.
The last one follows from the first two.

This book takes you through the first steps to self-knowledge and leads you to improved self-awareness so you can be more successful in your personal and professional life–on your own terms.

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