Never Make A Permanent Decision Based On A Temporary Situation

Gerald Walker



On July 20, 2013 I received a call from my son’s mother Shanika Williams that I would never in my life time ever through I would receive regarding one of my kids. She was crying hysterically to the point that I didn’t understand what she was saying.

When she did get the words out where I could understand her, she stated my sixteen year old son Jaylen Walker had shot himself. I knew something bad had happen, but I was expecting her to say he was in car wreck or any other type of accident but never in a million years was I expecting to hear her say my son had just shot himself. I was numb and really couldn’t find words to say.

It was like I just froze in disbelief.. She was driving and on her way home when she informed me of what had happen so all I could do was try and calm her down, but I felt the worst had happen and it was true. My son had committed suicide.

Never Make A Permanent Decision Based On A Temporary Situation Description:

If you are having thoughts of suicide you must read this book, it will provide a clear picture that what you are going through is only a temporary situation. If you are a parent and have kids this is a must read. This book provides the signs and symptoms of depression in teens and young adults that I missed because I didn’t know them and for me it was to late.

It explain the pain suicide causes families that last for years. The book talks about the prevention of suicide and how to treat depression which is 100% treatable. You will read the story of one young lady who attempted suicide and how her life turn around after that attempt. You will read Gerald’s story on healing after his son committed suicide.

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