100 Things I Learned in Heaven

Karen Bauer




I am just an ordinary girl from a farm in Iowa who has lived an extraordinary life. I recently moved back to the United States after twenty-two years of living abroad in Europe and Asia. I survived a long and fierce battle with darkness that led me into the light, where I learned and experienced much in heaven.

This battle with darkness began with a serious bacterial infection that developed during the birth of our daughter in Singapore in 1996. At this same time I felt that something evil had descended upon my husband, our baby daughter, and myself. Shortly after this I became ill and had a constant fever. I had numerous medical tests over several years, but none revealed a diagnosis.

Many paranormal activities began to occur, and I felt as though this invisible enemy was threatening our lives. I kept praying and asking God to guide me and to show me who or what this invisible enemy was and how I could survive this battle.

In 2003, I had a traumatic brain injury and a severe concussion. Immediately following this blow to my head, I could temporarily see many things in the spiritual realms. It was similar to having a nightmare while being fully awake. When the darkness persisted and the symptoms and constant fever did not improve with any form of medical intervention, I did the only thing I knew to do. I clung to Jesus, and I prayed to all of heaven for help.

As a last resort, I sought the help of a spiritual healer and hypnotherapist from Hong Kong in 2004 while we were living in Shanghai. My sessions with her revealed that I had suffered a near-death experience when I was three years old and multiple severe head injuries when I was six years old. During these events the trauma was so severe that I disassociated from my body. All of these occurrences in my life led to my experiences in heaven and the discovery of my divine life mission and true soul purpose during this lifetime.

During my first meeting with the spiritual healer, Mabel, we were visited by a huge, powerful archangel. From this moment on my entire world was split open. I was living in the physical world but could now see into the spiritual realms. My entire life was then saturated with angelic visitations and highly spiritual experiences. My dreams, prayer time, meditation, hypnotherapy, and normal waking hours were filled with angels in many different forms. I continued to be taken to heaven for lessons and healing almost every week until August of 2005 and several more times in the subsequent years. After I was in heaven for the first time on November 27, 2004, I knew that I was changed forever.

I consider these journeys to heaven and angelic visitations to be the most extraordinary thing that any person could possibly experience while still on the earth. I felt incredibly honored and blessed. I understood that this was a gift and a privilege. I was very thankful, as I felt that everything I had learned in heaven and the healing I had received saved my life.

However, to suddenly have my spiritual vision opened to everything in the spirit realms, including demons in many forms, people in heaven, and countless people who had died but had not yet gone to heaven, was for me extremely traumatic. I honestly do not think that I could have withstood being exposed to the dark entities and these other realms without constant help and comfort from the angels who never left my side. Furthermore, I had feared and avoided anything dark my entire life, so I was highly resistant to accepting this spiritual vision as a gift, and I wanted more than anything to just be normal.

My intention in briefly writing about the darkness I encountered is not to instill fear, shock anyone, or be controversial. I believe that each of us lives with some level of fear or darkness, or we know someone close to us who does. I feel that the power of the fear is removed when we understand the truth and it is demystified, and then healing may occur.

What I learned in heaven is that the light and love of God are the most powerful tools and weapons in the entire universe and can easily conquer any fear or darkness. When we focus on the light and the love of God and use our authority as his child, our fear must diminish. My hope is that you are inspired to see that I am just a normal woman who survived this battle by asking heaven to intervene for me. And heaven responded in remarkable ways.

Everything I experienced in heaven was awe-inspiring. The most impressive thing of all was the incredible unconditional love of God and the indescribable joy that I felt every time I journeyed to and was in heaven. I wanted to tell the whole world about what I had experienced. I wished that I could climb to the top of the highest mountain and shout as loud as I possibly could to everyone that my voice could reach about how much God loved them unconditionally just as they are. I knew that this love and these messages I received in heaven belonged to all of mankind.

I longed to tell everyone I knew and loved about what I saw, felt, and experienced while I was in heaven.

100 Things I Learned in Heaven Description:

In her new spiritual, inspirational memoir, Karen Bauer, shares with readers her compelling spiritual journey and actual visitations to heaven, where she learned one hundred life-changing truths from God and the angels. And through her journey, she discovers her life’s calling and purpose.

Although the author’s experiences and journey are incomprehensible to limited human understanding, she tells her story in such down-to-earth language and vivid imagery that readers have the sense that they are traveling right along beside her, thus lending credibility to her story and profound message.

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