The Miracles of Smith Wigglesworth

Dr Michael H Yeager

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#1 I had great compassion for the sick and needy before God ever started using me. One day a group of spiritual leaders came and said to me: “Smith We want to go to the Keswick convention, we have been thinking whom we should leave to do the work. We can only think of you.” I said, “I couldn’t conduct a healing service.” They said, “We have no one else. We trust you to take care of the work while we are away.” A thought came into my mind: “Well, any number of people can talk. All I have to do is to take charge.” The following week when I got there the place was full of people. Of course, the first thing I did was to look for someone who would do the speaking; but everyone I asked said, “No, you have been chosen and you must do it.”

And so I had to begin. I do not remember what I said that night but I do know that when I had finished speaking fifteen people came forward for healing. One of these was a man from Scotland who was hobbled on a pair of crutches. I prayed for him and he was instantly healed. There was no one more surprised than I was. He was jumping all over the place without his crutches. This encouraged the others who were there to believe God for their healing and all of these people were healed. I am sure it was not my faith, but it was God in His compassion coming to help me in that hour of need.

Smith – “If I read the newspaper I come out dirtier than I went in. If I read my Bible, I come out cleaner than I went in, and I like being clean!”

#2 The Lord opened the door of faith for me more and more. I announced that I would have a Divine Healing meeting in Bradford on a certain evening. I can remember that there were twelve people who came that night and all of those twelve were miraculously healed. One had a tongue badly bitten in the center through a fall. This one was perfectly healed. Another was a woman with an ulcer on her ankle joint and a large sore that was constantly discharging. She was healed and there was only a scar the next day. The others were healed the same way.

Smith- “Some people like to read their Bibles in the Hebrew; some like to read it in the Greek; I like to always ready it in the Holy Spirit.”

#3 One morning our children were all gathered around the breakfast table and my wife said, “Harold and Ernest are very sick this morning. Before we have breakfast we will go pray for them.” Immediately the power of God fell upon my wife and me, and as we laid our hands on our children they were both instantly healed. As we saw the miraculous healing wrought before our eyes, we were both filled with intense joy. The Lord was always so good in proving Himself our family Physician.

The Miracles of Smith Wigglesworth Description:

This is an amazing book about the life and ministry of Smith Wigglesworth, who was an amazing man of faith. This is a compilation of over 200 life changing miracles that Smith experienceed in his life. Smith had an amazing, unwavering faith in Christ Jesus. It is our hope that these true stories will come exploding off of the pages of this book into your heart to change your life forever.

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