Ziger The Tiger Is In Danger!

Robert Locke


Chapter 1. The big clean up

Ziger the tiger was in a great mood. The 2014 Jungle Olympics had just finished and he had won a gold medal for swimming. He had come first in the Junior 100 metres with a record breaking speed of 29.99 seconds. The previous world record had been 30.01 seconds. He and his mummy were so happy and proud.

Image courtesy of Olympic Gold Medal Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

‘Before we celebrate’, Mummy said, ‘let’s do a big clean up. If we don’t, everybody might get sick.’

The jungle was in a terrible mess after all the games and races. Plastic soda bottles, cigarette ends and old entry tickets were all over the place. You could see them all on the ground and even hanging from the beautiful silk cotton tree which was turning red, now that it was summer. Ziger and his mummy lived in the beautiful Tesso Nilo Forest which is in Sumatra, Indonesia.

Those Jungle Olympic tickets were everywhere.

Antelope Long Jump – ADMIT ONE

Crocodile Karate – ADMIT ONE

Buffalo Boxing – ADMIT ONE

‘We must recycle – come on, I will help you sort all this stuff’, Mummy said.

‘I haven’t got a bicycle, so I can’t re-cycle’ the monkey sniggered.

Ziger thought that was a stupid joke, but said nothing.

Ziger The Tiger Is In Danger! Description:

* Ziger the Tiger Is In Danger – Real Danger!
* Super story about animals in danger
* Best way to teach kids about animal conservation as they will identify with Ziger and want to learn more as they grow up
* Sequel to the first story, Ziger The Tiger Never Gets Angry. This time, Ziger faces danger and thinks of an ingenious way to get out of a very tight spot.

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