Medousa: An Interview with Michael Butchin


This week we are chatting to Michael Butchin author of Medousa.


51dhKRcyw8L._SX349_BO1,204,203,200_Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I am fluent in Mandarin.


What kind of books do you write?

Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and “What If” type stories.


What inspired you to write?

There was a story I wanted to read, but I couldn't find it anywhere. So I decided to write it myself.


What makes your writing stand out from the crowd?

Well, regarding my first book, the turning upside-down of old tropes without ever actually altering the source material.


What is the hardest part of writing – for you?

Focus. I do suffer form ADHD, and while that means that at times, I have laser-like focus, at other times, it is laborious to collect my thoughts and focus on the writing tasks at hand.


Where do you like to write – what is your routine?

Throughout the day, during my normal duties and tasks, I will write with pen and ink in an old spiral bound notebook. I jot down thoughts, plot-lines, I'll write descriptions, and scenes, and dialogue. Later, when I've written a dozen or so pages, I will set aside a few hours in the morning to transfer it all to computer, where I polish it just enough to fit into a logical, narrative line. I prefer to use Scrivener™ at this point.

Later on, when I think the story is finished, I'll collate the pieces, print everything out, and then get to work editing with pens, pencils, and highlighters. When that phase is complete, I'll go to edit the overall book in Word™ or PDF.


What do you do when you are not writing – do you have a day job?

I am a faceless drone in a corporate call center.


Do you work with an outline or just write?

I normally will start writing as ideas for scenes or dialogue strike me. After a while, I will sketch out an outline, so I can see where I'm going with those ideas.


What advice would you have for other writers?

To misquote Hemingway– “Write while manic; edit while depressed.”


How important is marketing and social media for you?

Marketing and distribution are utter mysteries to me. Yet, alas, vital if I want to get my work out in front of interested eyes for reading.


What's your next step?

To continue writing, of course. I have several projects going simultaneously, and I am trying to get copies of my book into people's hands that could give me useful critiques, and friends who could help me get my book into the hands of more readers.


Medousa by Michael Butchin is available here.

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