Flynn Hyland’s mysterious animal

Matthew Goddard

kindle cover_science_version (1)

1. “Serenity”

The problem I have with crocodiles isn’t necessarily the fact that they are big and dangerous carnivores with one of the largest bite forces known in the animal kingdom. It’s their sneakiness. Hidden beneath water’s murky surface, they can lie in wait holding their breath for more than ten minutes. There they remain, motionless, with the patience of a skilled chess player, watching their prey and studying their behavior. The more they learn, the greater their accuracy, and the greater their accuracy the poorer the chances are for walking away. If you’re in crocodile territory you don’t know where they are, then it’s too late for you.

Luckily for me that little snippet of wisdom comes from reading a book and from observing crocodiles behind the safety of a thick glass window at the zoo. Where I live and go to school, as well as work after school, there aren’t any dangerous wild animals like crocodiles roaming free, which is fine by me. There’s Mr Sternman our school caretaker, and he can get pretty grumpy, but that’s about as dangerous as it gets.

Otherwise, we live in a quiet and peaceful part of the world in a little township called Bridgemount where I am a year-seven-level student at Bridgemount Elementary, and the only thing I have to worry about in life is earning enough pocket money so that I can start crossing off essential items on my list of things to buy.

Flynn Hyland’s mysterious animal Description:

“I never thought one of my favorite things about any book would be ordinary life, but here it is! Flynn is a great role model for kids. 4 out of 4 stars, hands downOnlineBookClub
Meet Flynn, in many ways a typical middle-grade school kid. Flynn’s week ends on a high note of sortswhich is just as well, because as he found out the hard way, things aren’t always what they appear at first. That, and some kids can be downright mean at times.

If you’re a typical sort of ten-year-old, then chances are you’ll know about some of the difficulties Flynn faces. Like not having enough money, not getting straight answers from your parents, having older kids pick on you; maybe even feeling like you’re not quite smart enough when you’re one of the youngest entrants at a major school science expo.

This story shows us one boy’s approach at solving all of his problems creatively.

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