Interview with NK Yahushua, an author of Faces Behind These Systems: 3 Felonies without Committing A Single Crime, How the Government Stole My Identity

This week, we’re talking with NK Yahushua about the book, Faces Behind These Systems: 3 Felonies without Committing A Single Crime, How the Government Stole My Identity

41NWQ4uqE8LTell us something unexpected about yourself!

What is unexpected about me is that life's circumstances have placed me in the position to learn how to be patient with EVERYTHING! And I mean everything. I am an introvert who people think is an extrovert because, when I finally come out, my light shines too bright.


Why do you write?

I write because there are too many revelations God allows me to see. Therefore, you carry these treasured jewels meant for the world only; you have to keep them for an appointed time. So you carry too much inside, and you can only share enough with those around you who are equally given these things and can understand without them thinking you are strange or crazy.


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

Life, the desire for justice, and the gratitude that no matter how long we believe we have escaped, we all pay for our crimes. This is why it is better to get it right now; therefore, God honors your intentions than one to do anything without a care in the world only to have regrets. Also, the gift of forgiveness. I recently was affirmed what I had known all along, that forgiveness has steps to it. In my faith, we are asked to forgive, only we were not taught that forgiveness is a process, so take it, so bitterness does not sit in you while you are doing the right wrong process.


What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

I enjoy how empowered people are to hear the truth and hopefully be the change they so desire from others. These Faces behind these systems are not only those of us who abuse and misuse power because one way or another, no matter how small, we all have at some point misused our authority, but some abuse is too high a price.


How would you describe your writing process?

You have heard of the phrase, a mad-scientist?! I write whatever comes to mind; write it all down, then come back and flush it out. I am not a great writer, so thank God for editors who see what I had it in mind but thought it was on the paper. I am a creator and a messenger who seeks to uncover the hidden things of God.


What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Authors can gain direct access to those they might have in mind while they write. And the power of interactions and feedback is priceless. However, it can be a double-edged sword as well. So one has to both manage what they hear and see from social media interactions.


What advice would you have for other writers?

I will say, be truthful and honest in your writing but continue to see what your writing can add to your reader and to be functional.


How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

My book title speaks to the content of the book. I wanted it to show all the many faces and hands that touched the protagonist's life, positively or otherwise. I thought of Michael Jackson's ‘Black n White,' but I have a great artist who could bring my vision to life. This whole writing process, my team honestly was God-given, and I pray the readers to feel the energy when they read this book.


What's your next step?

My next step is to make sure that billions of people hear this story because it is a life-changing story, which affects or can affect every single person on earth.


What book do you wish you had written?

The Bible.


How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

When I see a new review, I am delighted to see they are part of the villager who honors and appreciates the lovechild that is my book.


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