Interview with Elise Garibaldi, the author of Never Enough: The Carl Katz Story

This week, we’re talking with Elise Garibaldi about her book Never Enough: The Carl Katz Story – A Man Hunted by the Nazis Long After the Fall of the Third Reich




Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

My teenage sons and I play rock/ acoustic music together and love performing in the bars and restaurants around town.


Why do you write?

To share with the world the untold stories of hope, heroism, and humanity.

I believe these stories will serve to inspire others to love without fear, and to fight back at all costs.


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

While promoting another work in Germany, I learned that old habits die hard in the Fatherland.

I discovered that many publications had been put out by reputable sources stating that my Jewish great-grandfather was a Nazi collaborator! That he was the one responsible for murdering his fellow Jews! Teacher's unions, historians, archivists, and professors, are spreading these lies.

I wrote this book to clear Carl Katz's name and to stop and hold accountable these hidden, modern-day Nazi sympathizers.


What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

I love the thrill of discovering how truth is often stranger and more shocking than fiction!


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How would you describe your writing process?

While everything is heavily researched, once I feel I've acquired substantial information, I set it aside and write from the heart.

I sit down behind my computer without even an outline, and just allow the story to dictate to me where it would like to go! It is always an incredible journey!



What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Social media is a wonderful opportunity to interact with readers who you would otherwise never have the occasion to meet!

Sometimes writing can be quite isolating. Therefore, my favorite part of being a writer has always been the Q & A's. I love when people reach out to me, and we have exciting exchanging of ideas. I always find it very inspiring!


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What advice would you have for other writers?

I have often been told that no one wants to read about the subject matter I've been focusing on. Well, (thankfully) the sales have suggested otherwise.

My advice would then be to write what interests you! If you have a passion for the subject, then others will too! As long as you transmit that excitement though your words, and with honesty and authenticity, then I believe you will always be successful.


How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

As for the titles, It usually jumps out at me somewhere towards the end of the book. I will often times pull it from a chapter that marks the moments and events that inspired the work as a whole. As for the covers, it tends to be my favorite image of the main character – one in which they look hopeful, powerful, and therefore, beautiful.


What's your next step?

I'm working on a coming-of-age trilogy that is very close to my heart. Book two is well in the works.

I am enjoying this opportunity to continue writing stories of heroism in the face of adversity, and faith in the bleakest of times.



How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

Even though I tend to hold my breath upon receiving them, I truly do treasure the input and insights!

The best part is when a reviewer relates to my characters and/or their circumstances








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1 Comment

  1. Vivienne

    An interesting interview. And so wonderful that Elise has written to clear her great grandfather’s name. I hope the book sells well.

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