Interview with A.J. Calvin, an author of Hunted: When Dancing with Demons, a Single Misstep can be Fatal

This week, we’re talking with A.J. Calvin about her book, Hunted: When Dancing with Demons, a Single Misstep can be Fatal

31cDVTDzH3LTell us something unexpected about yourself!

I spend my work days playing with bugs (I'm a microbiologist). I particularly like working with fungi.


Why do you write?

I have always been a writer, since I was old enough to understand how to. I used to keep a notebook when I was in elementary school that I filled with silly stories. By the time I reached middle school, I was filling entire binders with a single story. Writing is my major creative outlet; not only do I enjoy telling stories, but I find that writing helps me relieve stress.


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

The initial idea for Hunted came to me while I was in college, but I didn't begin writing the version that was published until many years later. Some of the idea for the story was due to a relatively vivid dream that I had, which I couldn't stop thinking about for some time, and eventually it evolved into a more cohesive storyline. I wrote a blog post in September 2020 that goes into detail about Hunted and how I came to the point of finally publishing the book. You can read it here:


What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

I write mostly fantasy. I think one of my favorite things about the genre is that there is so much room for creativity; a writer can come up with a vast array of creatures, peoples, and places, and still make it work in terms of the story. It provides the perfect platform for the imagination to run wild.


How would you describe your writing process?

I keep an outline of the major story points I have in mind (sometimes it's a written outline, while other times its a mental one). My outlines are usually vague enough that I can add or change things easily as I write, without detracting from my original vision.


What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Connecting with other authors, reading their stories, and sharing advice is invaluable. Social media can provide a means for doing so.


What advice would you have for other writers?

Writing a novel and getting it published can be a daunting process, but if you believe your story is worth telling, don't give up. Someone out there wants to read what you have written.


How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

For some of my books, I've had the title in mind before I begin writing, or relatively early on. For others, the title came to me later (and in the case of some it was weeks after I had completed writing the story). I like to title my books after the major theme that is presented within.

For book covers, I've been known to spend hours–even days–scouring the internet for the artwork that is “just right”. When I was searching for artwork for Hunted, I had a general idea of what I wanted to see on the cover. It took me a while to find what I was looking for, but eventually, I did.


What's your next step?

I am currently querying for a four-book series I recently finished writing (The Caein Legacy). In the mean time, I've been writing another, related fantasy series (The Mage War Chronicles). I have a few details about both projects posted on my website:


How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

I'm am excited to read new reviews, and am always looking for feedback on my writing. I love to know what other people think of my work.


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