Interview with Karen Black, author of “Deadly Repercussions”

This week, we’re talking with Karen Black about her book, Deadly Repercussions 

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Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

For ten years, I was a professional dog trainer.

Why do you write?

I have always loved the ability to get lost in a book. It never fails to delight me when someone enjoys something I've written. It makes me smile to think that I've created a story that allows the reader to become immersed in it.

Where did you get the inspiration for your current book? 

The inspiration came from the legal system. What the law provides or the things it requires do not always result in justice. In “Deadly Repercussions,” that premise is paramount. The characters believe that justice should prevail.

What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

I write in a variety of genres, most often mystery and suspense. Whether writing mystery, fantasy or paranormal, I enjoy weaving stories, heavy on character development, that don't end quite the way the reader expects.

How would you describe your writing process?

Rather than beginning to write with an outline or even a basic plot, I start with a vague idea and allow the characters to lead me. Generally, I have four or five projects in the works. It is as common for me to let a manuscript sit for weeks between chapters as it is to dive into a project and work on it daily until completion.

What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

The interaction among authors and readers is helpful, not only in terms of feedback but also for support and a variety of recommendations. Social media also provides a multitude of marketing opportunities which can be valuable.

What advice would you have for other writers? 

Don't rush the story. Allow it to develop. Then read it, reread it, and be brutally honest with your opinion of the overall book.

How do you select your books’ titles and covers? 

My books don't get a title until they are complete. As with my storylines, my characters help me decide on the right one. I also try to chose a title that is not a repeat of another author's publication. My covers begin to come together as the story progresses. By the time the book is finished, I know what I want the cover to convey. With that in mind, I explain what I envision to my graphic designer, who brings it to life.

What book do you wish you had written?

Gone With the Wind

How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

My initial reaction is gratitude. I appreciate every review that my books receive and am grateful to the readers who who take the time to write one.

What's your next step?

I am currently working on a romance novel set at the same thoroughbred racetrack as my first novel, “Race into Murder.” Although romance is the primary genre, a bit of mystery and mayhem have been woven into the plot. It's almost finished and I am eager to see how it ends.




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