Romance With A Touch of Love

Kevin Hollingsworth

Romance With A Touch of Love1



American Princess


My American Princess was the night's grace and attraction's ally. When I saw her I could hear the sanctity of her footsteps. I could feel the loveliness of her walk. I could imagine the softness of her skin. Her gentle soul complimented her gentle beauty.

Her smile communicated love, and her love smiled back at me. Her beautiful lips comforted my eyes when I looked at them. Eloquence once described her nose and ears with much pride, and I will always remember their beauty that way. My American Princess was a blessing uncovered, and I am glad I found her. She was freedom's most darling endeavor.

Beauty delivered her and the Stars and Stripes crowned her. My American Princess, I love you so.

Poems, Prayers and Promises

Doug Hughes

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With Your Spirit to guide me,
And Angels beside me.
There’s nothing save You that I fear.
All these lessons I’ve learned,
Having watched my paths turn,
Thanks to You Lord seems ever so clear.

With authority and might You told us to fight,
And You gave us Your power to do it.
We need to reach out and take it,
Find the stronghold and break it.
But many will say, “Lord; You blew it!”

“You didn’t give me enough”,
Or “the devil’s too tough.”
“Now excuse me while I lay down and die.”
What a sad case to see,
How the vast majority,
Are too willing to believe Satan’s lie.

We must march into the battle and know the devil is rattled.
For he knows he’s already lost.
Let us stand tall and be strong through it all.
And remember; he was beat at the cross.

Romance With A Touch of Love

Kevin Hollingsworth




Her Name Was Lovely

Her body was not perfect, but a sculpted delicacy.

Beauty covered her entire frame with no doubt.

Autumn's desire she was indeed.

Summer and fall could not forget her.

Her beauty resonated in winter especially.

I loved her so, but she never knew

January Blues

Maria Ní Mhurchú


Angels of the Dark

Candles line my path
I light each one
With a spark from a star

The beauty of the black night
The vermilion hedge filled with fairies
Flitting through the snowdrops
Wings shimmering

As glow worms
Spin a web of gossamer

As sprites flitter and flutter
And glitter
By the light of the silvery moonlight

As I'm clothed in a delicate shimmering cloak
By my magical friends

Cinderella ready to meet Prince Charming.


T.W. Penn

Cover Page1r-page-001kindle

December 1981

I was almost three.

I saw Mom in a

She was holding
Small, like a bag of
Russet potatoes.

I didn't realize
That was
Your skin,
Your body that
Your face so

Then you got
The screaming
Killed my
For a moment.
I walked
Towards your crib,
Trying to
Figure out the

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