In The Name Of The Father

Allyson Olivia



“I can’t believe you’re getting married in less than an hour,” Pam said as she placed the short white veil on Angel’s head to complement her hair styled into a large, neat chignon.

Angel paused and forced her lips to form a smile, but didn’t say a word.

“Are you excited?”

“I think I’m making a mistake by marrying Lester,” Angel admitted.

“Then don’t marry him. I’ll tell everyone at the church to go home and that there’s nothing to see here.”

“No, it’s too late. We purchased a house and it would just be a mess to turn back now. I love him, but something hit me hard this morning as I prayed.”

“What hit you?”

“I realized I never prayed about marrying Lester. I fell in love and went with the flow, but as I prayed this morning a feeling came over me like knots twisting in my stomach and I threw up.”

“Maybe that’s just cold feet.”

“I don’t know, but it will be okay. I love Lester and I’m sure things will only get better as we begin to spend our lives together, because this is until death do us part.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said when I got married the first time.”

Pam laughed as she dabbed Angel’s face with pressed powder to reduce the shine from her perspiring skin.

In The Name Of The Father Description:

In The Name Of The Father is a story about faith, love and forgiveness. This story is about a woman’s struggle to love herself, allow herself to be loved, and keep her faith in God despite what she witnessed in her home. In the name of the Father has a dual meaning, it represents the main character being influenced by her biological father and her heavenly father.

In life our capacity to love and our ability to receive love is learned from those who nurture us. It is cultivated and sometimes destroyed by observing the two people who love us the most. In the Name of the Father is about a young woman named Joy. She brings the baggage of her parents’ failed marriage into all of her relationships. Will she choose love or continue to run from it?

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