Three Wooden Crosses

David Hall



Chapter 1


The anguished eyes stared vacantly at him through the black mix of sand, salt water, and blood that had formed a mask over the soldier’s face. He reached to grab his canteen so he could provide the young man one last drink, but as he turned, the soldier grabbed his collar with his last bit of strength, pulled him down to his face, and whispered into his ear.

The grip became stronger around his neck, and the man could not break free from the soldier’s grasp. He struggled to push himself away, but each time he released himself, the soldier reached out with the other hand. He struggled to stand, but found himself nose to nose with the dying young man. Suddenly, the soldier screamed.


With the scream, Matt awoke with a start from his nightmare. His shirt was soaked, and perspiration dripped from his forehead and his palms. There was nothing he could do; he was in the throes of a full-blown panic attack now. Slowly he moved his gaze around his dark bedroom. He was thankful when he saw Max’s understanding eyes looking at him and felt the dog’s reassuring paw being placed on his knee.

The next few minutes were going to be miserable, and Matt did what he could to lessen the impact of the onslaught of darkness. He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath through his nose. As he exhaled, he began to recite aloud,

“The Lord is…

Three Wooden Crosses Description:

David Hall’s freshman work places the reader with three friends in a small, west-Texas town in 1962.

A farmer must face the harsh reality of a son who longs for a different life and a farm that is failing. A teacher works to free her students from the grips of factory work so their dreams may be realized. A preacher struggles against the demons of war and the darkness of doubt to find his way back to God.

All three must work together to help a young girl who arrives in the small town with lots of baggage and a secret of her own. Their only hope to show her God’s love and forgiveness is to accept it for themselves before she runs again. Find out if they are successful in time in Three Wooden Crosses.

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