Life Is The Perfect System: Uncover your life’s path. Discover your spirit’s puprose

Matt Sison


Have you ever had a dark secret? In the year 2001, when I was in my early thirties, I was keeping a secret that I didn’t want anyone to find out, especially my family. I was in great physical shape, but underneath my fit veneer, my health was in grave danger. I was a personal fitness trainer, had begun my career as a hypnotherapist, and had enrolled in a master’s program in traditional Chinese medicine.

As a fitness trainer working with people in their homes, I was doing quite well. I was good at my job and I looked the part. An exercise and nutrition fanatic, I ran up to thirty miles a week and was in the gym almost every day. I had earned my second-degree black belt in martial arts and practiced frequently. I ate healthy food and ninety percent of the time I was a vegetarian.

Despite these outward successes and healthy habits, every day I woke up with a terrified feeling. Although physically fit, I literally felt the imminent calling of the Grim Reaper. Thoughts of death constantly permeated my mind. Every morning I would wake in a panic, jump from bed, grab my chest, and ask myself, “Am I still alive?”

Throughout the day my left shoulder was always in pain with an uncomfortable tingling sensation. I had persistent heart palpitations and my jaw constantly ached. While I was excited about learning about acupuncture and herbs, it was extremely difficult for me to focus in class. All I could think about was collapsing of a heart attack and having to call an ambulance.

This was even more difficult because I couldn’t tell people how I truly felt. As a fitness trainer and hypnotherapist, I felt I had to play the part of being completely healthy: mentally, emotionally, and physically. I knew that something was seriously wrong, and I finally summoned enough courage to see a medical doctor.

Bad News From The Doctor

The doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure. On average, one’s blood pressure should be 120/80. Mine was about 180/120. She thought the reading might have been a fluke and scheduled me to come back at a later date. When I returned to the doctor’s office, my blood pressure was slightly more elevated than before, and she diagnosed me with hypertension.

I was mortified to see my blood pressure so consistently high and my pulse rate at about ninety beats per minute (it should have been about seventy to seventy-five, or less). After all, I was in great shape, ate a healthy diet, and took care of my body, so how could this be? The doctor suggested that I take one baby aspirin (81 milligrams) a day to see if it would somehow help, and if it didn‘t work, she would give me prescription medication.

Life Is The Perfect System: Uncover your life’s path. Discover your spirit’s puprose Description:

Life Is The Perfect System can help you bring balance to your life, reveal your true purpose, and inspire divine action. Packed with real-life stories of people just like you, and page after page of common-sense advice, Matt’s proven concepts and life wisdom can help you find the deep inner peace you seek.

Learn how to uncover the connection to your spirit’s intentions and manifest deep fulfilling experiences that will have you saying, “so this is what life is supposed to be like!” When it comes to reconnecting to their sense of inner peace, spirituality, and happiness, many people think that it requires some form of elaborate quest, like traveling to far off holy sites or following in the footsteps of a guru.

While there can be benefits to endeavors such as these, it’s time to let you in on a big secret–the path to happiness is so close that looking for it elsewhere is like trying to see the back of your own head. Wherever you go and whatever external solution you seek, you won’t find lasting, genuine peace until you find the only voice that matters, yours. That means learning to live up to your own standards rather than what’s expected of you.

It means running your life instead of letting others run it for you. It means going on an inner rather than external quest; one that embraces your intuition and self guidance. One that requires that you listen to your own unique spiritual path and not someone else’s. This book will help you find balance within yourself so you can trust the voice of your soul and attain the peace you’re looking for.

Awaken Yourself To The Possibility Of Manifesting Your True Potential–Because Life Is The Perfect System

You’re already equipped with everything you need to find your authentic self–fortunately, life is arranged that way – IF YOU WORK WITH THE SYSTEM.

From this book, you’ll learn:

How to align with your spiritual connection by breaking free of the mental and emotional restrictions established by longstanding familial constraints.

How to trust the system set in place by life and the universe, which will help you fully connect to your spritiual path so you can live within yoru spirit’s content. How to embrace your intuition, allowing you to discover and manifest your life’s meaning.

How to align yourself with the universal law of attraction by reconnecting to the spiritual path that will set you in accordance with that which accomplishes the highest good for the evolution of this planet.

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