A Rose For Jonathan

Beth Green


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Friday, May 10, 1974

The time for the first event was drawing near. There were three of them; and they landed silently on a hill above the town to wait for it to begin. Dusk began to settle over the area, turning the sky into a mixture of pinks and blues, as a few clouds drifted lazily across the sky. Each large angel was covered in a flowing white robe with gold stitching and their wings were tucked in behind them, glowing slightly in the expanding darkness.

Meris, the leader, was a full eight feet tall with long dark hair and pale blue eyes; and he wore a sword that glistened in the final rays of the sinking sun, as the wind gently swayed it back and forth on his waist. A grim expression covered his face, as he looked over at the other two angels, Nardic and Galdon, who were also tall; but they were a full half foot shorter.

Galdon stood directly beside Meris, his leader, and waited patiently for orders, while the younger angel, Nardic, paced back and forth. Meris shifted his weight and glanced up toward the sky, as he listened to the Father; and then he nodded in response to the orders that only he could hear. Stepping forward, he swiftly drew his sword and pointed it toward the town.

“It’s time, let’s go!” he bellowed, as he lifted off to go toward the place that had been chosen. The other two lifted their wings with a whoosh and flew swiftly with Meris to the north end of the town, where several demonic creatures were already gathering in response to the angel’s presence. They had sensed the coming change but had no idea what it would be.

One of the evil creatures screamed and ducked behind a tree, when he saw the large angels approaching; and the rest of the demons crouched low to the ground, covering their faces with their gray, scaly arms.

Meris took his sword in both hands; and in a single motion, he sliced through the darkness surrounding the area, fully penetrating the entire region with a supernatural light. The demons scattered and screeched in response, while Meris held his wings open to allow the glow to fully engulf the place that they needed to protect.

He gently moved his wings back and forth, sending an even brighter light radiating in all directions, fully disseminating any dimness that remained in the chosen area. The three angels stood guard for several minutes and then Galdon, the second in command, took his sword and rammed the blade into the earth, sending a loud Boom echoing throughout the region and simultaneously scattering any lingering demons well beyond the border of the light.

Meris left these two powerful angels to return to the hill to watch. Only one human in the area felt their presence and saw the light, and she was only two years old. The little girl looked out her car window and squealed and pointed. Her mom was too preoccupied to notice and her sister looked over and saw nothing.

A Rose For Jonathan Description:

Pastor John Miles is forced to face his own doubts and fears as he tries to decipher the strange spiritual gift that he has somehow been given. Now, his young daughter shows signs of having the gift, too. Could they both be seeing angels and demons? Pastor John must determine how to use this gift, while at the same time he is growing to understand how the power of prayer and scripture can be used to win the spiritual war that is raging around us every day.

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