John P Noonan



“The Gathering”


Adam was driving his Ford pickup along an old familiar winding road. The rock group Super Tramp was playing the Logical Song on the dashboard radio. Around one more bend to the local watering hole called Gillian’s.

Gillian’s is a popular hangout for locals and N.A.S.A. astronauts, about five miles down the road from the John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida. As his truck pulls in the gravel parking lot, the music from the bar drowns out his truck radio, as he shut down his motor.

He steps out of the truck, and enters the bar for a final civilian gathering with his comrades. Adam and his friends are United States Astronauts. Adam is a Mission Specialist, with seven flown shuttle missions under his belt.

A Mission Specialist is a N.A.S.A. astronaut assigned to a shuttle crew with mission-specific duties. They have a free last night together before they go into a ten day quarantine in the morning for a special N.A.S.A. mission.

STARSOULS Description:

An epic science fiction novel that starts when five American astronauts join seven Europeans. They all reach to the stars for an answer to their world in turmoil. They get more than they ask for.

They are taken away and shown the meaning of human life, how their world was made, and why they exist on Earth. They are sent home with fundamental rules of Starsouls to live by, and to promise humanity a world of salvation by following them. Also is there a grim alternative, and does human doom loom if they fail to believe?

Can Earthlings battle an extraterrestrial force that claims to create them ?

Or will humanity believe in the Starsouls to eventually evolve to them ? Take a peek inside and get lost in an out of this world belief that has never been taught In human times, and find out if an extraterrestrial belief can be a truth that can bring world peace.

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