Pyramid Asia

Ian Purdie



A blur of fur passed in front of the two boys. “Was that a rat?”
“Too many legs.” It was hot and there wasn’t enough oxygen in the air.

The barren mountainside had lost a lot of its allure since the snow melted. The higher they climbed, the closer they got to the sun. Wen and Tashi had always known that one day they would climb the mountain which loomed over their childhoods, dwarfing the small Tibetan village of Womadige. They grew up hearing stories about the demons and otherworldly apparitions that haunted its upper slopes.

They watched it change with the seasons, sometimes showing a new face every minute as its mighty bulk continually transformed before their young eyes. Now it was under their feet, adorning their pre-adolescent sky like a pert young breast. Upwards it dared them. After more sweat, heat, dust, rocks and going upwards than either had imagined they were committed to or capable of, they rested on a ledge just below the significantly less looming summit.

The view was spectacular. They could see almost everything they’d ever known at a glance, and there was so much more. The river their mothers had washed their clothes in since they were babies meandered off into the distance in two opposing directions. Far below, their homes were barely visible. “Let’s go,” said Tashi. Upwards.

Pyramid Asia Description:

What could possibly be funny about two Tibetan boys climbing a mountain behind their village and finding a very strange object? Would any sane person laugh when the object turned out to be a time capsule created by an advanced civilisation over 300,000 years ago? And what about when the time capsule produces a hologram showing an enlightened society built on the principle of empowerment, a society which managed to destroy itself?

How can anybody find it amusing when a heroin smuggling gang dispatches a deadly assassin to chase one of the boys and his rich Chinese girlfriend half way across Asia? Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were not being exploited every day? To find the answers to these intriguing questions, read Pyramid Asia immediately!

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