Jasper Creek Lives On

George D. Winters



Chapter One
Sifting Out the Bad

The sun rises on Jasper Creek, sounds of summer in the air. Cheyenne Cody Jones looks out over the town. The best little town in Wyoming. People here work hard together, play hard together and love unconditionally. The twins playing together, walking around and stopping to pet Lucky. Walking Fawn cooking some eggs with biscuits and sausage gravy.

The sound of a woodpecker on a tree nearby. Some seventy degrees at seven in the morning, going to be a hot day in Jasper Creek. I sit down to eat breakfast and as I do, I hear a knock on the door. I head for the door, wondering who it would be this early in the morning. I open the door and it's Ms. Marten, owner of the BuckHorn saloon.
“Morning Cheyenne, how are you doing, just wanted to talk with you for a moment.”

“Ok Ms. Martin, come in and have some breakfast with us and we will talk.”
“Good morning, Walking Fawn. Wow the twins are growing fast. What beautiful little girls they are.”
“Well Ms. Martin, have some coffee. Just how can I help you this morning?”
“Cheyenne, someone is stealing liquor from the saloon. Pretty sure it's none of the girls working for me. Just not sure how it's happening.”

“Ms. Martin, do you think it could be Jack the bar tender?”
“I don't think so Cheyenne, but not positive about that.”
“Well Ms. Martin, some of his buddies do come in quite often, don't they?”
“Yes they do Cheyenne, some come in every day almost.”

“Well Ms. Martin, watch him when his friends are there, and make sure he is charging them for every drink.”
Ms. Martin sits in her office but leaves the door slightly ajar, watching Jack Daniels the bar tender as he works. Soon she notices that when his buddies get a drink, he is only charging for every other one. She ask Amy, one of the bar girls to tend bar for a while, she needs to talk to Jack.

“Jack, I need to see you in my office, Amy will tend bar for now.”
“Ok Ms. Martin, will be right there.” Jack comes in the office and sits down. Looking like a sheep killing dog.
“Sorry Jack, but I have to let you go, you are stealing from me, and I can't afford that Jack.”
“Hey Ms. Martin, you got it all wrong, I'm just helping my friends. They work hard and like to drink. Sometimes they don't have enough money, so I give them a free drink or two.”

Jasper Creek Lives On Description:

A good sheriff, along with good people make Jasper Creek a town where everyone can feel safe. They work together like family.

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