The Good and Bad in God’s Country

George D. Winters


Chapter One
Raccoon, Rabies, & Making Plans

Jasper Creek, a small town in Wyoming. Where the people live, love, and work together for the betterment of everyone. The town mayor, and Marshall of Jasper creek is a man named Cheyenne Cody Jones. His wife Walking Fawn, and twin daughters, Alexandra and Eliana, along with himself live in a small house at the edge of town. Spring is on the horizon, snow almost all melted. Snow birds still chase each other around as they realize winter is almost gone. A hawk sits on a fence post, looking for the movement of mice or anything to eat.

The sound of an old crow in a tree nearby makes one realize spring is here. It's Monday morning in Jasper Creek, a service of remembering yesterday in our little church. Recalling the days of loved ones who have passed on. The ground outside is muddy as the weather has warmed up, and thawed the ground.
“I will head over to the sheriff's office sweetheart to check on the deputies.”
“Ok Cheyenne, I will walk the girls to school, then head over to the general store to get some things we need.

Tell all the Deputies hello for me Cheyenne, and wish them a good week please.” Cheyenne steps out and heads for the sheriff's office, suddenly he is greeted by a snarling raccoon. He jumps back and tries to get his pistol out, but the raccoon bites him through his pants before he can shoot it. Cheyenne jumps back quickly, and fires his 45 into its head. The raccoon falls instantly, and stretches out as his life leaves him. Wincing in pain, he quickly lifts his pant leg to check out the bite.

Blood oozing from the teeth marks, Cheyenne takes his hanky to wipe the blood away. Now Cheyenne must find out if the raccoon is rabid. Cheyenne leaves the raccoon, and heads over to Dr. James office to see if he has the equipment to check for rabies. Soon he is there, and headed up the stairs to Doc's office. He gets to the top of the stairs, and knocks on the door. After a couple of moments, the door opens.
“Hello Doc., got bad news. I was just bitten by a raccoon, do you have the equipment to check it for rabies?”

“No Cheyenne, I don't have that equipment. You probably could get the raccoon or yourself checked in Denver. I can go look at it and see if it has signs of rabies. Was it frothing from the mouth at all? It is out during daylight hours, which is one of the behaviors of a rabid raccoon.
“I never noticed his mouth Doc., was too busy trying to get away from him.”
“Please Doc., can we go, take a look and see what you think?”

“Sure we can Cheyenne, let me take care of the bite, so you don't get an infection from it. Then we will go check the raccoon.” Doc. soaks a cloth with whiskey, lays it on the bite marks, and waits for a couple minutes. Then he takes the whiskey soaked rag from Cheyenne's leg and wraps it with a clean piece of white cloth.
“Ok Cheyenne, keep it wrapped, and come back to see me in a couple days. Now let's go take a look at that raccoon.”
Cheyenne, and Doc. James head over to where the raccoon is, getting there in a few minutes. Doc., looks at the raccoon, but makes sure not to touch it. After looking for a bit, Doc. says.

“Well Cheyenne, he doesn't really look like he is infected, but we can't be sure. Let's get a shovel from the general store, and bury him so nothing else gets infected if he does have rabies.”
“I will do it Doc., thanks for taking care of the wound, and coming to check out the raccoon for me.”
“OK Cheyenne, I will get back to my office, be sure and come see me in a couple days. All we can do is pray Cheyenne, if you has rabies, your time on this earth is short.”
“Well thank you Doc., I know it's hard but I will get everything in order.” Cheyenne heads over to the general store to get a shovel, he will not tell Jason Knouse about the raccoon yet. Soon there he walks inside.

“Hello Jason, say can I borrow a shovel for a little while, I need to bury a dead raccoon.”
“Sure you can Cheyenne, here you go, keep it as long as you need it.”
“Thank you Jason, I will have it back soon.” He heads for where the raccoon is, getting there in a few minutes, Cheyenne buries the raccoon at the edge of the woods, and returns the shovel back to the general store. He then heads for home to give Walking Fawn the bad news. Soon he is there, going inside, and sitting down in the old rocking chair.

“WALKING FAWN, COME IN HERE PLEASE.” She quickly comes in to see what Cheyenne wants.
“Sit down sweetheart, I have something to tell you.”
“Is everything ok Cheyenne, tell me please, what's wrong?”
“I was bitten by a raccoon, Doc., checked it for rabies, but couldn't be sure if it's infected or not. If it was, my time on this earth could be short. I need to tell you sweetheart, what my last wishes are.”

“Calm down, Walking Fawn, I may not die at all. We do have to face the reality of it though. Just try to calm down sweetheart. Let’s go to God in prayer about this ordeal.”
“Oh yes Cheyenne, please pray, pray hard, I cannot lose you my love. I will not lose you Cheyenne, I just won’t. Oh God please hear our prayer.”

“Ok sweetheart, I will say a prayer for us. Oh God, if it be your will, please allow me to not get rabies. I honor you as God, my loving and caring savior. If I do get rabies, I humbly ask you to watch over Walking Fawn and the girls. Guide and direct their life, give them health, and happiness, and a long life on this earth. We ask for wisdom and strength, and the courage to face this problem. Thank you father for your love, we ask it all in Jesus name, Amen.”

“OK sweetheart, here is what I want you to know. We have some money in the bank, enough to keep you and the girls for a couple years or so. I will leave Jason Knouse, and Ron Withers in charge. I will ask them to watch out for you and the girls. I am sure there are different ones in town who will let you work to make some money, if it comes to that point. I will get things in order just in case the worst happens.”

The Good and Bad in God’s Country Description:

This is the last book in the series, so many things are put in order to continue to make Jasper Creek the best little town in Wyoming.

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