From Idea To Launch

Daniel da Silva Lay



Hey, it’s Daniel…

Before we begin our journey together, I just wanted to let you know that the world needs you! Everyone has something to offer and it would be a shame to waste your unique gifts and talents by doing anything other than what you were created to do. The number one thing that stops most people from realizing their dream of running a successful business is fear. But I want you to know that a business is no different to a car, it can be tweaked, upgraded, modified and even turbocharged and if it ever goes off course, it can be steered back onto the correct path.

Every story has a hero and I’m here to help you make your dreams come to life by being your guide. In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker had Yoda. In the Hunger Games, Katniss had Haymitch. Even Daniel-san from the Karate Kid had Mr Miyagi! My goal for you is to make this book the most exciting and fun experience you’ve ever had in setting up a new business. I’m going to show you how to go from brainstorming an idea right through to launching your very own business. Let’s go and have some fun.

From Idea To Launch Description:

The world needs you! Everyone has something to offer and it would be a shame to waste your unique gifts and talents by doing anything other than what you were created to do. If you’re passionate about something or perhaps an expert of sorts you’re already closer than you think in finding your BIG idea!

This book is designed to be the most exciting and fun experience you’ve ever had in brainstorming an idea and setting up a new business.

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