
Scarlett Darkwood

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Erotica. It’s the most taboo, misunderstood genre of all. Like it or not, we still live in a repressed society. Though we say we’re open to many things, erotica usually tends to be the limit where that openness shuts down immediately. Disdainful looks from others, potential threats of job loss, and harsh judgement have been experienced by most erotica authors.

They’ve had their books banned, denied reading events in bookstores, and denied publishing by some publishers. Erotica will be the genre that’s “Not Accepted.” When other authors are welcome, erotica authors are shunned.

So why would anyone wish to step a toe into this genre? Simple answer, it’s still one of the hottest categories of all. People who read it may not admit it to their friends and family, but secretly, they are devouring pages in a single sitting. Why the guilty fascination?

Sex is as old as humans themselves. It’s the basis of all creation. It’s a delicious physical pleasure we all enjoy. Many will stop at nothing to satisfy those internal carnal urges.

pleasure houseErotica is a genre that allows for self-exploration or voyeurism in a healthy manner. The worlds are fiction, and no actual humans were harmed in any scene. Reading erotic works allows a reader to imagine themselves in forbidden worlds where anything goes. It allows one to see what it might be like to test the limits of endurance if we dare.

When a reader immerses themselves into a book where sex is the focus and the driving force, they learn more about themselves, their likes, dislikes, and how far they would go if placed in a similar situation. Erotic stories stir up that inner longing and lust within ourselves allows an outlet for catharsis and fulfilment. It’s a means for knowing ourselves better.

Erotic stories can be about self-discovery, romance, pushing limits, and surrender. They can simply be frivolous, fun reads where the ultimate goal is sex, nothing more. For those who just want to let our hair down and enjoy a lusty read, there’s something for everyone in this genre.


Find out more about Scarlett and her work here.

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