Interview with Donna Jean Picerno, the author of I Had to Leave

This week, we’re talking with Donna Jean Picerno about her book, I Had to Leave


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Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I have always wanted to write a book. I've started it several times over the years but, never stuck with it.

Then, one day, I received a psychic reading and the woman said to me, “so tell me about these books you write.” I was in shock, I had never told anyone except my husband that I had a dream of writing books. She said that I was going to publish multiple books and they would be successful.

That night, I started writing again and continued writing for the next six months straight until I finished my debut novel, I Had to Leave.


Why do you write?

I write because I love to read and I have always thought to myself, I can do that!


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

My books are inspired by Nicholas Sparks and Mary Higgins Clark.


What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

I write romantic suspense novels and most enjoy the fact that my books have a little bit of everything rolled up into one book.

Writing romantic suspense novels allows me to combine the writing styles of my two favorite authors, Nicholas Sparks and Mary Higgins Clark into one story. I try to write stories that will pull at your heartstrings and also give the reader a thrill of suspense.


How would you describe your writing process?

I write by the seam of my pants. I write one chapter at a time, and even I don't know where the story is going from one chapter to the next. I typically wake up in the middle of the night with an idea of what a character will do next.


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What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Social media can help authors develop a fan base and announce new novels. It is also a great word of mouth. If someone reads your book and loves it and shares it on social media, it can make a book go viral.



What advice would you have for other writers?

I am a new author so I don't have much advice on writing, but what I will say is just do it. You will never know if you don't try. Still today, as I hold my first book in my hands, I cannot believe that I wrote it.


How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

The titles I select come from a line somewhere in the book and cover design is what I think of when I envision what the title looks like in my head.


What's your next step?

I am almost done with my second novel, Blood Brothers and then I plan on writing a sequel to I Had to Leave and a sequel to Blood Brothers. I never like to leave a reader hanging on the ending, but I always like to leave it so that the story can continue with another character.


What book do you wish you had written?

The Notebook.


How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

I get so excited when I see a new review pop up. After reading a good review, I am on a high for several days.






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