Interview with Marguerite Nardone Gruen, the author of The Band 4: The Air We Breathe

This week, we’re talking with Marguerite Nardone Gruen about her book The Band 4: The Air We Breathe




Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

It wasn't my aspiration to be a writer. It just happened.


Why do you write?

I had all these thoughts and decided to sit down and write them out.


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

I had a dream and couldn't stop thinking about it weeks later, so I decided to sit down and write it out – 300 pages later I had a manuscript.


What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

I wrote it for a younger crowd but every time I have a book signing – older women seem to be more interested in my books.



How would you describe your writing process?

I write myself notes during the day and then at night I sit and write about them.


What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

I have never had any success with social media. I thought it would help me, but so far the results are not there.




What advice would you have for other writers?

If you are on the wire about publishing your manuscript – do it. You will always wonder what if? Great advice I got from my sister.


How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

The cover has to be attractive. It has to make someone say ‘I want to read that' or at least pick it up to look at it. The title comes to me when I'm writing the story.


What's your next step?

Trying to get an audience out there and a following. I believe in the story and want everyone else to love it too.


What book do you wish you had written?


The Shadowhunters series by Cassandra Clare.


How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

It makes my heart melt if the review is good and if it's not – I see what I could have done better.





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