Interview with Peter Sacks, author of Libertyland

This week, we’re talking with Peter Sacks, about his book Libertyland 



Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I'm a dog lover, golfer, cyclist and love the outdoors in Northern California where I live. I'm originally from Seattle, Wash., and have lived in many U.S. states for work and school. I'm a former economist, investigative business reporter, and college teacher. Twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, I'm the author of several nonfiction books, including Tearing Down the Gates, which won the Book of the Year award from the Association of American Colleges and Universities.

Why do you write?

A teacher once told me that writing is thinking. I took that to heart. I write because I think. As Descartes said, “I think therefore I am.” Therefore, I write because I am. That's a clever way of saying that I write because I must. It's my DNA. I believe many writers would agree.


Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

My novel Libertyland, though apparently tied to current events surrounding the threats to Democracy, is really the culmination of a lifetime of observation and writing as an economist and journalist. I've observed how Libertarian thought has penetrated democratic institutions in America and other countries. Libertarian ideologues have risen to power within conservative or far-right parties while advocating for the elimination of government as a check on capitalism. These ideologies are the proverbial wolves guarding the henhouse. I wanted to write a novel exposing these trends. A novel that would serve, so to speak, as the answer to Ayn Rand.

What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

Fast-paced, intriguing plots, compelling characters. Room to roam in a literary sense. Though Libertyland's genre is a political thriller, my lifelong interest in philosophy and literature undergird the characters and the story.

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How would you describe your writing process?

Throw the kitchen and the sink on the page. Un-clutter the kitchen. Upgrade my kitchen appliances and fill those with twists, turns. Inspect the fridge. Replace the empty character jars with olives, beans, blood, sex, and love. Scrub the fridge and give leftovers to my dog. Repeat several times. Three to five years later, remove the bottles of Prosecco and Campari. Pour a spritz that could be my own blood, sweat, and tears.

What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Hope for serendipity. One thing may lead to another. Maybe some momentum grows.

What advice would you have for other writers?

Don't write unless it's who you are. If it's not who you are and you can afford a ghostwriter to make you famous, please don't.

How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

Oddly, I already know the title before I begin. The title comes from thinking about the book before I write it. It can change for different reasons. But I think it's good to have a working title in mind as you write to help you focus on what you're trying to accomplish.

I don't think about the cover until the book is done. Publishers have the final say on book covers. With Libertyland, I had a picture in my head what the cover might look like, and the illustrator took my vision and created something extraordinary.

What's your next step?

I'm in pre-launch mode for Libertyland. The rocket is ready. I'm gathering fuel and working with book engineers to ensure that the rocket called Libertyland does not fizzle on takeoff.


What book do you wish you had written?

The Stranger, Albert Camus

How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

Depends. Good reviews are fun. Reviews that seem to “get” the book are more fun. One-star reviews? I wonder if they've even read the book. Reviews that say my book is “outdated” because they read it several years after the book was published? Yes, that happens.




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