Today, we’re talking with Kirk Galbraith, about his book The Art of Conspiracy: Hidden in Plain Sight.
Tell us something unexpected about yourself!
I am an avid golfer with a 5 handicap working on getting to scratch ie: 0. My lowest score is 71 so trying to break 70.
Why do you write?
I find it difficult to share my topics with most people in public so I decided to put it all down in The Art of Conspiracy: Hidden in Plain Sight. The idea was to help those who can sense that some things are not right with the world and are interested in connecting the dots.
Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?
I have researched secret societies and ruling families for 40 years.
What do you enjoy the most about your genre?
Once you get past the anger and grief stages of learning about the control systems of our world it is a fascinating study that never ceases to amaze me.
How would you describe your writing process?
I prefer to write in the morning and compile different topics for the outline. Then start to organize the topics into chapters and start writing. The chapters get rearranged as I write and see how it comes together.
What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?
This is an area where I am not very strong although I see the benefit to those who enjoy it and use it well to gain more eyes on their books.
What advice would you have for other writers?
I had a writing partner and we met on zoom every Wednesday morning. This buddy system really helped when either of us was stuck or just needed some encouragement. It took us about 5 months to write our books.
How do you select your books’ titles and covers?
I sent about 30 different titles to my email list and asked them to choose their top 3, after which I was able to pick mine. This was suggested in a course I took from my Publisher Matt Rudnitsky. The cover I chose after looking through Google Images.
What’s your next step?
Writing my next books with the Twins training.
What book do you wish you had written?
I recently stumbled across the Mikkelsen twins who have taken their book writing to a million dollar business and were listed on Forbes 500. So, I am taking their 7 day challenge starting Monday January 22nd and will probably write a cookbook or activity book as their course suggests, but write it under a pen name, as it is a departure from my genre.
How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?
Love it! Only wish there were more as I know I need 50 to 100 for the Amazon algorithms to promote it.