Interview with S.M. Albalooshi, author of The Cyclamenton Teacup Poisoner

Today, we’re talking with S.M. Albalooshi, about their new book, The Cyclamenton Teacup Poisoner.


Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I’m a neurodivergent Slytherin, a big Poirot enthusiast and loooove coffee so much. I’m an Arab writer living on a tiny island. Literally don’t understand people that manage on one cup a day. Also, I love and hate books so much and I can talk about them forever and ever. Unapologetically a Percy Weasley stan and will die for him.

Why do you write?

I originally started writing fanfiction. It’s kind of an escape. Sometimes, you just want to find your people and you have so much to say and you want people to hear you out. I love those soul-crushing books that make an impact on you and change the way that you see things. Or clever books that make you wanna go mental and keep you up at night. I don’t know how, but books are special and they make you feel special. It’s a journey and an experience. Sometimes it’s tasting your favourite ice cream and some books are so painfully awful they’re like labour. But seeing someone that you want written happen just feels so good. Seeing words put into sentences that make you feel things is kind of magical. That’s kind of why I wanted to write.

Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

I kind of had the idea of the ending in my mind for a long time and worked my way backwards. The characters, when I developed the personalities, kind of wrote my book for me so I didn’t even know where it was going. I love that about writing. You don’t even know where it goes sometimes, and I think that’s beautiful. Wish I can say the same thing about my art though…

What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

I didn’t even know I had a genre until I wrote this book. I’ve never read a dark fantasy book and I’m not a horror reader. But I love the tropes that comes with fantasy and horror. I love the images of vampires and werewolves you get in your mind. I love the tropes of being in a haunted house or being left alone and travelling down a dark forest. I love writing dark and twisty stories, or even thinking about a regular story in a twisted sort of way. I like the feeling of giddiness that brings you. I don’t know what that feeling is, but it’s great.

How would you describe your writing process?

Chaotic 2am energy with some poetic ramblings.

What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Probably a lot, but I’m too much of a recluse. I’ve tried so much and gotten nowhere at all. I wished sometimes I could be a Tiktok legend, but that’s not me. I’m more of an I’m bad at talking to people but want people to know my thoughts? kind of person.

What advice would you have for other writers?

Write the stuff that you like, and don’t be ashamed about it. Write something that makes you kind of happy and kind of angry and kind of makes you go through stages of healing. If you’re honest about what you’re writing, you’re going to find someone that resonates with you. If you’re honest about what you love, you find out who you are too. And that’s kind of a hard thing to know about yourself.

How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

Through frustration, cursing and Lush products.

What’s your next step?

Genuinely wish I knew, mate. I’m just trying to get through life day in and day out.

What book do you wish you had written?

I’m not sure haha. Maybe a question for a therapist to unpack. I think no matter what I write, I want it to be about mental illness, death and torture, but like a little dark humour in there because that’s what we all need. A bit of a laugh (but not too much, I’m not great at that).

How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

I don’t know. Maybe when I get a review, I’ll know haha. I actually paid for my two reviews that are on my current books, but I’ve asked for honest reviews. But I’ve paid for them to read and review my book. I’m not great at like building a presence. I believe that my book has an audience, but I don’t know how to find it? I’m bad at directions, to be honest. But fanfic reviews make my life literally have meaning, but I know writing a book isn’t like writing fanfiction so… that’s just about all I can say really. And I heard you’re not supposed to read your own reviews, but I’m going to. That’s the awful thing about it, but I know that my book isn’t for everyone and that’s fine. I just hope I can find the people that it’s for.


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