Interview with Santi Limonche, author of The Staff of Karanos

Today, we’re talking with Santi Limonche about his book, The Staff of Karanos: an epic fantasy adventure.

santi limoncheTell us something unexpected about yourself!

I studied mathematics at university and my hobby is to study ancient Greek and Latin with my aunt (a retired high school professor).

Why do you write?

One morning, a few years ago, I woke up with the need to write and it was getting stronger and stronger. So, I got down to it. In three weeks I planned the architecture of my first novel and in four months I wrote the first draft. Since then, I have learned to enjoy the process of writing after taking courses in narrative techniques.

Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

Undoubtedly: the muses. They have received many names over the centuries. Inspiration guides you and whispers what you should write. It helps me to listen to classical or epic music, depending on my mood.

What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

Fantasy allows you to escape from reality, while at the same time reflecting the same problems that happen in the real world. Also, it is true that magic can be seen with the phrase that Arthur C. Clarke said: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”.

How would you describe your writing process?

First I sketch a brief outline of the skeleton of the novel and then I start writing. You could say I’m a cross between a writer-architect and a gardener: not much planning, but I don’t leave everything to chance either. And if something struggles, I start with another scene. And, very importantly, I write every day.

What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

I believe that there are as many paths as there are writers. If social networks work for them, I’m happy for them. The hard part is finding the perfect path for us. It has been said so many times that what works for one person, doesn’t work for another…

What advice would you have for other writers?

Don’t be afraid to write and don’t think about what others will say. Comparisons do not help. Also, I recommend sitting down to write every day, even if it’s just a paragraph. You have to look for the muses!

staff of karanosHow do you select your books’ titles and covers?

The title came to mind when I wrote the last word of the first draft of the novel. Up to that time, it was simply “novel”. However, for the prequel, I already had a clear title about the origin of the bimbairi before I started writing.

What’s your next step?

Writing the sequel to The Staff of Karanos. I have some ideas to explain the origin of the bimbairi thanks to a question a friend asked me.

What book do you wish you had written?

Good question… There are so many good writers and wonderful books out there that it’s hard to choose. My heart is torn between Lord of the Rings and Don Quixote.

How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

I react with gratitude and joy upon receiving a new review. Although, my aspiration would be if I could get someone hooked on literature like I am. I think there is the perfect book for everyone: I found it with “…en un lugar llamado Tierra” by Jordi Sierra i Fabra. Literature has given me so much that I would like to give something back.



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