Interview with Sheila Lowe, author of Maximum Pressure

Today, we’re talking with Sheila Lowe about her book, Maximum Pressure

Tell us something unexpected about yourself!Sheila Lowe profile image

I am a forensic document examiner. One of my sons is a rock star, the other is a tattoo artist.

Why do you write?

I am compelled to.

Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

While attending my high school reunion, many classmates asked me to write about a murder at a reunion. So I did.

What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

Getting to understand what motivates the characters to behave the way they do.

How would you describe your writing process?

Haphazard until I finally settle down. Then I loosely outline, never look at the outline again, and work at writing 1000 new words a day. This consists of starting with what I wrote the day before and expanding on it.

What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Exposure. Apparently, readers like to feel they know the authors they enjoy reading. Wider distribution. It’s a great way to get free PR.

What advice would you have for other writers?

Learn the craft before you start publishing. Leave out most of the adverbs. Understand that even if you have a major publisher, you will be expected to do most of your own marketing. Writing a book is hard. Getting it published is harder. Selling it is the hardest of all.

How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

My titles are all puns on handwriting (my character is a forensic handwriting expert). The current covers are tied to the locations where the stories take place.

What’s your next step?

Starting to write the fourth book in my other series (Beyond the Veil). Continuing to market MAXIMUM PRESSURE.

What book do you wish you’d written?

Ashes to Ashes by Tami Hoag.

How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

If it’s a 5 star one, with great pleasure.


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