Interview with TF Burke, author of Faeries Don’t Lie

Today, we’re talking with TF Burke about her book, Faeries Don’t Lie

Tell us something unexpected about yourself!TF Burke profile image

I have been fencing sword and dagger for over a decade in both tournaments and in melees (done in a safe manner) with up to several hundred fencers on a side.

Why do you write?

I’ve lived in worlds of story since I was very young and I find that writing nourishes my soul, along with helping me to understand myself and the world around me better.

Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?

I find the “what-if” games takes me to some incredible places. In my current book I asked a lot of what-if’s when it comes to mythology, some new-age beliefs with chakras, a bit of astrology, faery lore, ancient history, and stories similar to Lord of the Rings and then mixed it with a message for young people that no matter what, they are always enough.

What do you enjoy the most about your genre?

My genre is YA Fantasy and I’d have to say the wonder beats of Fantasy mixed with the ability to explore topics with an idealistic lens is rather beguiling.

How would you describe your writing process?

First is the what-if phase and getting a sense of who the characters are. After that I tend to have a broad sense of plot, followed by a messy draft that gives me an idea where the story’s “mile-markers” are. After that, I write. I like having enough wiggle room to be surprised as the story organically reveals itself but have enough of a path that I don’t end up in the weeds.

What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?

Being able to connect with one’s readers is one of the highlights with writing in today’s world. After all, the space between writer and reader… well, that’s where the true magic happens. Also, social media is one of the places where a creator can shine. For example, it’s enjoyable sharing my under 30 second faery lore reels that are based on the research that I do.

81URqCXrk5L. SL1499What advice would you have for other writers?

Understand that your first draft’s job is not to be pretty nor should it be compared to the finished work of other authors. It’s job is simply to exist. You will find gold within its pages… ideas for how to structure your story. You will find things that don’t work and you will throw away but even those throwaway things will probably lead you to ideas you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Writers write. Celebrate your chaotic messy starts.

How do you select your books’ titles and covers?

Excellent question! Titles are hard. It took me a long time to come up with the title to Faeries Don’t Lie and it’s actually based on something my protagonist said… plus, I love the little bit of a twist in it…Faeries Don’t Lie…or do they? As for covers, I have a designer in Romania who is absolutely wonderful! I originally found her on 99 Designs. I give her an idea of the “feel” of the book and she sends me her vision of it. So far, she has been spot on!

What’s your next step?

My next step is to continue working on Book 2 in the Heart of the Worlds series, Faeries Don’t Forgive, and have it launch in Feb 2025. And after that, it’s working on Book 3, Faeries Don’t Hide, which comes out November 2025.

What book do you wish you’d written?

I’m actually writing the books that I want.

How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?

It’s exciting to get feedback and I definitely appreciate my readers taking time out to leave a review.


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