Today, we’re talking with Donna B. Comeaux about her book, Breathe for Me
Tell us something unexpected about yourself!
The most unexpected thing about me is my tenaciousness to complete and publish my novel. It’s quite an accomplishment. And I’ve enjoyed every moment of this journey.
Why do you write?
I write because there would be nowhere for the crazies to go that are inside my head.
Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?
Every Breath You Take by Judith McNaught.
What do you enjoy the most about your genre?
Because there are so many subgenres, writers now have the freedom to be more creative. Romantic suspense can encapture bad villains and include whimsical fantasies or unleash dragons. It really excites me to be able to explore this amount of creativity without the boundaries that once held us back.
How would you describe your writing process?
My writing ritual requires me to get up before sunrise to check my social media platforms, then begin work on the rewrites of my next novel. It’s literary fiction. I hope to launch it by early 2025.
What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?
If you exude patience and do it right, authors can gain meaningful relationships through social media. But it takes time, one person at a time. Being authentic is key. I’m not at all good at this and it’s taken me a while to accept the fact that I must heavily invest in this part of book marketing.
What advice would you have for other writers?
I encourage all writers to do two things: never give up on their dreams, and perfect your writing in every way possible. Proofread your work. It’s the only representation of you that your readers see.
How do you select your books’ titles and covers?
I usually begin writing a book with a theme in mind, and from that theme comes my title. I will sometimes sit for hours just working on the title. And there have been times that I won’t begin writing until the title is firm in my mind.
What’s your next step?
I’m presently working on a literary fiction novel that I hope to release in early 2025. After that, I have a crime and detective novel halfway finished that I would love to complete. I have many stories I’ve started, so I’m not short of ideas or projects to work on.
What book do you wish you’d written?
Not so much a book but a style of writing. I want to one day write a book that George Orwell refers to as windowpane writing. To write that clear and concise fascinates me.
How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?
Nothing excites me more than receiving new book reviews. I get to hear everyone’s viewpoint of the book. I learn a lot from my readers. I’ve even thought of new ideas for a book while reading them. Most of all, they make me smile.