30 Books in 30 Days: Great Lessons from the Best Business Books of the Last 15 Years

Randy Mayeux

30 Books in 30 Days Cover



I read books. A lot of books. Not as many as some people read, but I read a pretty good number of books.

In April, 1998, Karl Krayer and I held our first session of the First Friday Book Synopsis – our public event in Dallas. Except for one month with roads too icy to navigate, we have met every month since then. Now well into our 19th year, we have presented synopses of over 400 business books. Most of them have been worth reading. A few of them have been truly exceptional.

This e-book is a journey through the key excerpts, key ideas, and transferable principles of the “best” books I have presented over the first fifteen years.

So, you might ask, what makes me qualified to be a book recommender and synopsis presenter. Nothing; except, I really like good books.

Oh, I have plenty of formal education. But I am not a professional book reviewer. Call me a professional book reader and presenter. Here’s how I described myself in one of those bio pages:

Randy Mayeux truly is the epitome of a life-long learner. Beginning with his love of comic books, then the Hardy Boys, to Nero Wolfe, and finally to a much wider array, he keeps reading! (he may have neglected far too many novels). But in multiple areas including theology, business, general nonfiction, social justice and poverty, he has always been an avid reader.

Self Publish for Success: the 19 Day Lesson & Business Plan to succeed with ebook publishing on Amazon as a business.





Your Secret Niche
Lesson Overview
In this lesson we’re going to figure out what you’re going to write about and whether or not it’s profitable. Remember, our focus in these lessons is on creating a profitable business. If you’ve decided on your niche, feel free to skip this lesson and move on to the next. But if you want to write for success, and your goal is to turn a profit from selling your books online, then your very first consideration is what are you going to write, and why are you going to write that material.

We’ll get to more detail on dealing with the nefarious KDP later. For now, this lesson presumes you have a basic understanding of how publishing to Kindle works. Now let’s look at how to come up with profitable niches and markets to publish in on Kindle.

Here is today’s Lesson Plan:
 Brainstorm: for Potential Niches (Nonfiction)
 Fiction: the Potentials
 Fiction: Possible Drawbacks
 Finding Profitable Fiction Niches
 Criteria of Successful Niches

Now, on to your first lesson:
Brainstorming Potential Niches

The first thing that you’ll want to do is brainstorm and come up with a list of potential niches. You should come up with as many ideas as possible for potential niches, markets, topics or keywords that we could potentially publish E-books. In the next lesson, we will analyze these to determine which will be the most profitable as well as have the least amount of competition that makes the most sense for you to pursue. For now, just open up your mind to as many ideas as possible. One way you can get an idea of the potential niches out there is to browse around Amazon’s Kindle Store and see what other books are out there. The great thing about this is…

Similar Transactions

S. R. Reynolds





Larry Lee Smith of the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, and on the 12th day of July in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred eighty-one did insert his penis into the vagina of Katherine McWilliams without the consent of Katherine McWilliams, and in the process thereof used physical force and violence likely to cause serious personal injury, to-wit did choke and strike the victim, thereby causing Katherine McWilliams to submit to said sexual battery.

The State of Florida vs. Larry Lee Smith

He’d circled nearly-empty city blocks more than once, Katherine noticed, before the guy giving her a lift home, late on that summer Sunday evening, finally brought his small truck to a stop in front of an apartment building. Taking in elements of her surroundings, Katherine would remember the white picket fence and the rectangular shape of the four-plex: two units up, two units down, stairs running up the middle.

“Come up with me,” Larry Lee urged his passenger as he reached for the door handle. “It’ll just take a minute.”

“That’s okay,” she replied agreeably. “I’ll wait here.”

“No, come with me. It’ll be quick. I want you to meet some people.”

She breathed a sigh of reluctant submission. “All right,” she surrendered, hoping it would actually speed things along. She really needed to get home.

herb pic


WAKE THE FUCK UP: A Journey from Death to Awakening

Carol Banayos



This book takes you through my journey of awakening and conscious awareness; it describes the moment of realization, when I knew I had to break out of the box I had placed myself in. I needed to tear down the walls and build a new bridge to get me from where I was, to where I was destined to be. As you read this book, you will see my story unfold, how I gradually learned that what I was destined for was nothing less than greatness.

However, that is not where I stopped. In my book, I have also tried to describe and explain my journey as I finally woke the fuck up. However, your journey might be completely different from mine. You might find yourself relating to my story as you move along your journey. What I am referring to, is that there is no specific trajectory or lone pathway that will take you to the ultimate “goal,” or towards enlightenment.

However, what you CAN find here is inspiration. Perhaps my story rouses you from the deep waves of sleep that roll over you time and time again, pulling you in deeper as you struggle to hold on to the world around you.

New World Order in Jeopardy: As the World Awakens

Troy Sorkin

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These are very interesting yet scary times to be alive as we enter into 2016 and the final phase of a multi century plan to create what is commonly referred to as the New World Order (NWO). Events are happening at such an increasing rate that it is difficult to keep up with and track all of them. For those who are unaware of the NWO plan or envisaged one world government this book may seem mindboggling and intimidating even though that is not its purpose.


A growing number of people around the world are now aware and awakened to the true history of the ruling elites who control the world of politics, finance, science, medicine, yes in essence all facets of life on this planet. The plan and drama that is playing out at this very moment can soon no longer be hidden from people and will reach the point of no return, it will be no less than a battle for the destiny of humanity.


It is actually quite simple when looked at from a distance, either mankind is conquered by an elite ruling class that will control every aspect of life down to the most minute detail or mankind stops these plans and starts a new chapter and moves toward a free world filled with optimism instead. This is not a work of fiction nor a horror story but rather a condensed description of how the world came to find itself in this situation and what must and most likely will happen in order to halt and reverse this diabolical plan hatched by a ruling elite that has quite literally run off the reservation and gone insane.


When someone first learns about the true history of the world and how it is run the first reflex reaction is to shake it off and laugh at it as if it is nothing but a bad nightmarish delusion. That is perfectly normal and almost everyone goes through this stage until curiosity takes over and writings and facts are looked at again with a bit more fact checking and deeper scrutiny.


Eventually once a cohesive and clear picture is formed a growing sense of outrage and disgust at the deception is quite usual and this is when most people seek out others who also know. Still now in early 2016 the vast majority of people are unaware and oblivious to this true history and unfolding plan but soon enough (before the end of this year) there will be a level of recognition that will force the topic to the surface and many will then unfortunately panic. That is inevitable and actually a necessary step before it becomes too late to reverse this plan to enslave all of humanity.


It should come as no big surprise that most of the information being spread through both official and social media is carefully crafted to create a world view that supports the agenda and narrative of those who plan and plot the course of the world. What has changed during the last decade is the fact that unscripted information, news and views have found new ways of being shared and spread via the internet and thereby circumventing the information gatekeepers and controls of the elites. This is also why their actions and plans are accelerating since it has become a race against time with the threat of an awakening general public.

What They See: How to Stand Out and Shine in Your New Job

Jennifer Swanson

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Before We Get Into It (An Introduction)

Congratulations! If you are reading this, I am guessing that you:
a) just graduated and are ready to enter the workforce.
b) have just been hired into a new job and want some fast and concrete advice
c) are being asked to read it by a teacher, parent, or career counsellor
d) found it at a garage sale and thought it looked interesting.
(Never mind that last one.)


Whatever the case, I am congratulating you because you obviously care about how you present yourself to your new employer and I want to help you do that well; so well, in fact, that you stand out from the crowd and shine.


I want you to blind and bedazzle them with your brilliant professionalism!


I want you to succeed and to know that it is entirely possible.


So How Can I Help?
I wear a number of hats and one of the things I do is teach in the health care field in a community college. Most of my students are training to go into a workplace setting they have never been in before, and part of what I teach them is how to succeed when they are out in their Clinical placements and ultimately when they are out in the workforce once graduated.. There are a number of stories and examples from my work in supervising students on the job in this book that I use to explain some of the topics.


I also have spent a fair bit of time with youth while wearing another hat of mine: that of a church minister and in this instance, a youth minister. I learned a lot from the people I worked with in that group. Another hat, and one of the best ones to learn from ever, is that I’m a mom and a step-mom to four teenaged and young adult children. We’ve talked a lot about the topic and something my son said has always stuck with me. He said, “My generation thinks we’re so good at communicating because we do it all the time with texts and stuff, but

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