Renegade’s Guide to Stopping Bullies

James Gavsie

Book Cover The Renegades Guide to Stopping Bullies



Enter the Renegade


This book is called “The Renegade's Guide to Bullying” because at least right now, the ideas held within it are controversial. Hopefully, before long, that won't be the case, and this book will go out of style. Believe me, I'd like nothing more than for the information in here to become such common knowledge and so widely used, that the book itself draws a big “Duh!” from people.

Until that day, though, we have some work to do.

I'm going to reveal an assortment of truths in the following pages that are common sense in nature, but are somehow ignored or overlooked. I'm also going to prescribe solutions to bullying that are quickly understood, put into action immediately, and actually generate fast results.

Will I make some people angry? Hell, yes! I sure hope so! It's not that I'm looking for a fight, but it seems clear that when you're introducing radical concepts, you'll inevitably do some arguing with those who stand by the established – and in this case more sensitive – ideas. That's fine with me; it won't be anything that I can't handle. I recognize that the ideas I share may be controversial just because they go against the grain of what’s already established.

However, what’s common practice today in responding to bullying is also not effective. My response and solutions explained here are straightforward in nature. Some will challenge you to look at your assumptions. Implementing them will definitely increase the self-esteem of your children (no matter what age) and also help you become more assertive and aware in your own life. However, I expect that no small amount of teachers, principals, and school administrators will have a bone to pick with me.

Bring it on. Most likely, the conversation that they will want to have with me is the same one that I want to have and have had with countless others. They’re different words, of course, but identical goals.

Anybody with a shred of sanity would want to see an end to their kids and teenagers being bullied and an increase in the self-confidence in their loved ones.

So People Say You’re An Asshole: A Book for You, People Who Love You, and People Who Work with You

Sarah Brabbs




Introduction and Should You Read This? Welcome to my no fluff, take action book about assholes.


You should read this if you’re an asshole, if people think you’re an asshole (but you don’t agree…or maybe you do). You should also read this if you deal with an asshole frequently.


You should not read this if you are an asshole who enjoys being one or aren’t interested in learning something new. It would be a waste of time for you.


My intention with this book is to make it a quick read that educates, impacts, and equips you to understand and deal with yourself and those in your life better than you do now. You should take whatever you learn that fits your life experience and run with it. That is, if you want to enjoy life and relationships more than you do right now.


And here’s some advice from a teacher: if you want to remember this when you’re done reading it, tell someone else who needs to know. Teaching is the best way to learn and retain information. But don’t teach it to someone who doesn’t want to know – otherwise you’re the asshole.


This book is broken into three parts: The first part is So, People Say You’re An Asshole, the second Assholes in Relationships, and finally Assholes at Work. You can skip sections if you wish, but I encourage you to read this start to finish.


Also I should mention: often when we think of the word “asshole” we automatically apply that label to a male, but this term applies to women, as well. I most frequently refer to males here when I talk about assholes for the sake of simplicity, but know that it can refer to men or women. In fact, two females who have been assholes to people I love were my inspiration to write this book.


This is not a long book. That is because I am someone who values succinct communication and straight talk. I want you to quickly read this, get it, apply it, and move on with your life.


I’ve been told before I have the gift of delivering truths with a “velvet brick” style, meaning I can deliver hard truths but be nice in the process, and people are able to “hear” these hard truths from me. I hope that you have a velvet brick experience.


One last thing: you will see the word asshole fairly often as you read. Believe it or not, I don’t swear a lot in my life. There’s just no better word for what I’m writing about than asshole, so it’s frequently necessary.

Confidence Journal For Career Women

Mofoluwaso Ilevbare


To every woman who dares to live her dreams and chooses to grow beyond the cocoon, to spread her wings and fly , beyond the ordinary, using her God-given talents to add value to our world.




Defeating Goliath

Ellard L. Thomas




Your future holds immeasurable value. Whatever God has dropped in your spirit to achieve, He means for it to manifest.

Success? Yes.
Love? Yes.
Healing? Yes.
Deliverance? Yes.
Purpose? Yes.
Vision? Yes.
Greatness? Yes.

Although God desires such blessings for your life, rarely they are easily achieved. God mysteriously has them incubated in challenges and hardships. This concealment raises question: “Why would God gift wrap my future in adversity?” There are several reasons for this.

One, affliction provokes you to face obstacles squarely; two, adversity gives birth to fortitude; and three, adverse circumstances entreat creativity. If this is the case, then what is God telling us?

God does not want us to be fearful or worried about our situations. He instead wants us to envision them as He sees them: OPPORTUNITY.

Where we see unconquerable challenges, God sees opportunity. Where we see insurmountable obstacles, God sees opportunity. Where we see danger, God sees opportunity. Where we see sadness, God sees opportunity.

The opportunities presented before you are to become great, to break the chains of mediocrity, to turn hopelessness into hopefulness, to turn faithlessness into faithfulness, to turn unhappiness into happiness, and to see GOLIATH’s true meaning: God’s Opportunity Lies In Adversity, Trials and Hindrances.

Win At Life: A Simple Guide To Success

Elijah A. Grant IV & Derick T. Brown Jr.




Section I-Mind
Success is not about being a genius or getting lucky. Success is about how you think of yourself when you look in the mirror. Your mindset will ultimately determine your success rate. To accomplish anything, first, believe that you can achieve it. Before the internet existed, someone first believed they could create it. If you watch an interview with any young celebrity, you will notice how confident they were even at their age. Similar to bodybuilders exercising daily, successful people must strengthen their minds.
The human brain is designed to problem solve. When you believe in something, your brain tries to figure out how to make it a reality. Imagine your brain like a super computer that can answer any question. Cool right? The problem most people run into isn’t their computer, but the questions they are asking. Too often, we are afraid to ask ourselves what if? What if we succeeded? What if we can accomplish anything we put our minds to? Stop fearing your potential! You can do anything you put your mind to if you believe in yourself. Once you are brave enough to challenge yourself with an idea of a greater future, you are ready to become successful.
If you want to reach your full potential, you must change your mindset. This change means you will raise your level of thinking. An education is a must to renovate your mind. I’m not saying you need to go to college, but you need to fill your brain with quality content. Devour information about success and learn about the practices of successful people; it is imperative you transition your thoughts to transform your mind. Make it a goal to become more optimistic every day; we become toxic to ourselves and everyone around us.

My Human Being Owner’s Manual

Pat Hansen


How it came about

I was 39 years old, married, healthy, and successful in a career as a graphic designer, traveling to great destinations with a beautiful new home that I shared with my husband. Over a period of time, I began to realize that I wasn’t truly happy. But why? I was relatively clueless.

Thus began exploration of my unhappiness. As I spent time thinking about it, I realized that I just didn’t feel fulfilled. I felt like there had to be something more, that something was missing. Everything I did seemed to be for someone else. I wasn’t even sure what it was I WOULD do for myself if given the time. I didn’t know what was absent in my life.

My design career dictated that I hone my skills as a problem solver and so, I decided to make this exploration a new project. The project was “ME.” Getting to know myself, what made me tick, what my needs were, what was inside of me – the real, authentic me. Not the me that my design firm, clients, employees and peers needed me to be, not the wife my husband wanted me to be, not the daughter and sister my family expected me to be.

You might be thinking this was a selfish quest. Perhaps it was, but it was a quest that felt very necessary. nd so, I approached the project like I would any other – with research. I began by making a list of questions I would like genuine answers to. I thought and thought and thought. I spent time alone. I searched my mind, my spirit, my soul. I added notes over the days and months, and soon I had quite a bit of knowledge of who I was – and who I wasn’t – and who I wanted to be. Some of the findings were surprising, aha moments.

Others were a bit scarey in terms of how I was living life. But more than anything, I realized that what was forming before me was a set of guidelines, a reference manual, a collection of helpful information about myself. A go-to book for my life. I remembered hearing the words “human beings don’t come with owner’s manuals.” Inspired by this concept, I began expanding the idea with my own information – even referring to my car manual, refrigerator manual

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