Aug 28, 2024 | Action & Adventure, Editorial reviews, Fantasy, International Review of Books
Which line stood out from all the others in the book?
In the context of analyzing the reasons why so many employees feel undervalued, under-appreciated and not really belonging to the “family” ie the company), it is clear that They (managers) rarely examine how they might be contributing to low employee satisfaction, engagement or retention.
General Summary for Context:
Why do my employees seem to dislike me? Why do they rush out the door at five o’clock sharp? Why do they take extended lunch breaks when there’s so much unfinished work? It couldn’t possibly be ME, right? I’m a nice person—I rarely raise my voice, and I approve of their raises each year when they’re due. So why do they quit, complain, or take so many days off?
Managers and employers worldwide know just how costly employee attrition can be—or worse, the impact of employees who stick around just until something “better” comes along. So, what’s the solution? Is there even a solution?
According to this author, the answer is a resounding yes. There are strategies managers can implement to show their employees that they are truly appreciated and valued. These include providing support when needed, keeping promises, and upholding the implied contract between employer and employee. In other words, maintaining fairness, respect, and balance in the workplace is key.
Concise Review:
Would you rather have a raise or a heartfelt compliment? According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, once our basic needs—such as food, shelter, and safety—are met, we begin to seek fulfillment of higher-level psychological needs, including esteem and self-actualization. At this stage, individuals require more than just financial compensation; they seek recognition, respect, and a sense of belonging.
Surprisingly, the affirmation of self-worth in the workplace often comes not from monetary rewards, but from being treated with fairness, respect, and dignity. When employees feel that their contributions are acknowledged and valued, it can have a profound impact on their motivation, satisfaction, and overall engagement.
Managers play a crucial role in fostering this environment. Meeting reasonable expectations, addressing disappointments through open communication, and demonstrating strong, empathetic leadership are essential tools that signal to employees that they are genuinely valued. When employees feel supported and appreciated, they are more likely to be committed, productive, and loyal to the organization.
In essence, while a raise might temporarily boost morale, it’s the consistent, everyday acts of recognition and fairness that create a lasting sense of value and belonging within the company. This, in turn, not only enhances individual well-being but also strengthens the overall culture and success of the organization.
General thoughts on the Novel:
This book takes a hard look at how and why individuals in positions of power within organizations, whether large corporations or small businesses, can unconsciously demean or disrespect their employees. Such behavior can lead to significant consequences, including low productivity, internal dissension, and widespread cultural dissatisfaction. Often, these issues stem from managerial practices that may seem benign but, in reality, erode employee morale and engagement over time.
Managers must critically examine their supervisory practices and strategies, recognizing that even subtle actions or attitudes can contribute to a serious decline in employee satisfaction within their department. While it can be challenging to scrutinize and critique one’s own behavior, it is an essential step for those who aspire to lead a motivated and highly productive workforce. Employees who feel respected, valued, and supported are far more likely to be engaged in their work and contribute positively to the organization.
This book offers the crucial conversations we need to have with ourselves as leaders if our goal is to foster a thriving workplace. It encourages introspection and provides practical guidance on how to make meaningful changes that can transform a struggling team into a cohesive, satisfied, and high-performing unit. By addressing these potential cracks in our leadership approach, we can build a stronger, more resilient organizational culture that benefits everyone involved.
Jul 11, 2024 | Editors' Blog, Fantasy, Interviews, YA
Today, we’re talking with TF Burke about her book,
Tell us something unexpected about yourself!
I have been fencing sword and dagger for over a decade in both tournaments and in melees (done in a safe manner) with up to several hundred fencers on a side.
Why do you write?
I’ve lived in worlds of story since I was very young and I find that writing nourishes my soul, along with helping me to understand myself and the world around me better.
Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?
I find the “what-if” games takes me to some incredible places. In my current book I asked a lot of what-if’s when it comes to mythology, some new-age beliefs with chakras, a bit of astrology, faery lore, ancient history, and stories similar to Lord of the Rings and then mixed it with a message for young people that no matter what, they are always enough.
What do you enjoy the most about your genre?
My genre is YA Fantasy and I’d have to say the wonder beats of Fantasy mixed with the ability to explore topics with an idealistic lens is rather beguiling.
How would you describe your writing process?
First is the what-if phase and getting a sense of who the characters are. After that I tend to have a broad sense of plot, followed by a messy draft that gives me an idea where the story’s “mile-markers” are. After that, I write. I like having enough wiggle room to be surprised as the story organically reveals itself but have enough of a path that I don’t end up in the weeds.
What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?
Being able to connect with one’s readers is one of the highlights with writing in today’s world. After all, the space between writer and reader… well, that’s where the true magic happens. Also, social media is one of the places where a creator can shine. For example, it’s enjoyable sharing my under 30 second faery lore reels that are based on the research that I do.
What advice would you have for other writers?
Understand that your first draft’s job is not to be pretty nor should it be compared to the finished work of other authors. It’s job is simply to exist. You will find gold within its pages… ideas for how to structure your story. You will find things that don’t work and you will throw away but even those throwaway things will probably lead you to ideas you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Writers write. Celebrate your chaotic messy starts.
How do you select your books’ titles and covers?
Excellent question! Titles are hard. It took me a long time to come up with the title to Faeries Don’t Lie and it’s actually based on something my protagonist said… plus, I love the little bit of a twist in it…Faeries Don’t Lie…or do they? As for covers, I have a designer in Romania who is absolutely wonderful! I originally found her on 99 Designs. I give her an idea of the “feel” of the book and she sends me her vision of it. So far, she has been spot on!
What’s your next step?
My next step is to continue working on Book 2 in the Heart of the Worlds series, Faeries Don’t Forgive, and have it launch in Feb 2025. And after that, it’s working on Book 3, Faeries Don’t Hide, which comes out November 2025.
What book do you wish you’d written?
I’m actually writing the books that I want.
How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?
It’s exciting to get feedback and I definitely appreciate my readers taking time out to leave a review.
Jul 9, 2024 | Editors' Blog, Fantasy, Humour, Interviews
Today, we’re talking with Eviatar Avni about his book,
Tell us something unexpected about yourself!
I am a pretty good cook.
Why do you write?
I was thinking about a variety of reasons (like making people laugh, expressing myself and my views, the feeling when someone tells you how much they enjoyed the book, etc.), but the main reason is far more basic: I genuinely enjoy it.
Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?
As a reader, I can’t say I have a favorable genre, but I do love those rare books that make you laugh out loud, and I also enjoy the occasional fantasy. In my list of favorite books, you would find examples of both, such as LOTR, The Princess Bride, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and, of course, Winnie the Pooh.
I thought I’d try to write something that combines my love for humor and fantasy. Into the mix, I also threw my views about the world, current social issues, human absurdities, etc., and the result was this book.
What do you enjoy the most about your genre?
Well, to begin with, I can’t say fantasy is my genre. However, having said that, what I enjoyed the most about it, in this case, was the freedom to go wild with my imagination. I felt there were no restraints on creating characters or weaving the plot. Another thing I enjoyed very much was inserting modern-day issues (such as women’s rights, equality, new-age ideas, etc.) into a fantasy world.
How would you describe your writing process?
I’ll start with something the late writer Amos Oz once said about writers. A writer, he said, is a person who wakes up in the morning, makes himself a cup of coffee, and starts imagining that he is other people.
Unfortunately, I can’t do just that because I need to go to work after preparing the coffee. However, one thing I did take from that sentence is that writing is imagining, and therefore, it can happen at almost any time. It doesn’t have to happen only when I clear time to sit and write. Just don’t do it while driving; it might get you in trouble.
What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?
I guess mostly exposure, although, to be honest, I am no good when it comes to social media. So perhaps, I am not the one to give any advice on it.
What advice would you have for other writers?
To new writers I would say: Be patient. Writing is an ultra-marathon, not a sprint. Don’t rush to try and publish a text before you feel that it is the best version you could write.
How do you select your books’ titles and covers?
I don’t have a good tip in that respect. In my case, the names always came on their own and presented themselves while I was writing the book. It might have been at an early stage or towards the end of the process, but they always showed up. Maybe the secret is to be aware of the need to find a name and be tuned to it while writing. Then, things might pop up – a phrase you used, something a character said, etc.
What’s your next step?
Writing a sequel to ‘Never Trust a Dragon’.
What book do you wish you’d written?
Catch 22
Jul 3, 2024 | Interviews, Action & Adventure, Editors' Blog, Fantasy, YA
Today, we’re talking with Wayne D. Kramer about his book, Heroes of Time Legends: The Healer
Why do you write?
I love the concept and feeling of creating my own world, series, and brand that can be shared with readers everywhere. It’s extremely gratifying to tell stories that people can relate to, with lovable and relatable characters that people want to keep reading and want to keep writing.
Where did you get the inspiration for your current book?
My entire Heroes of Time series takes inspirations from books like Redwall, Mistborn, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, The Name of the Wind, the video game Chrono Trigger, and a variety of individuals and experiences encountered in my life.
What do you enjoy the most about your genre?
There are virtually limitless boundaries in fantasy. Epic fantasy, in particular, appeals to me because I love that deep sense of adventure, discovery, and complex interwoven plot-lines that tend to come with it.
How would you describe your writing process?
Thorough and meticulous. I tend to be a bit slow, unless I really push myself, and because I consider every word so carefully, I don’t usually achieve large word counts in a single day/session.
What do you think authors have to gain from participating in social media?
With the way algorithms are these days, it seems to be a place of diminishing returns. In the broad scope, I suppose some people do better with certain platforms than other. Social media is one of those things I would rather not have to spend so much time on. I enjoy being able to engage with fans, but I also get frustrated at how suppressed some posts and content can be.
What advice would you have for other writers?
Focus on content as much as possible before getting too deep in the weeds of marketing and promotions. Understand that it’s a long haul, over 2 million books are published every year, and it will be difficult to gain visibility. But, if your content is strong and you learn to be an enthusiast about it, you can get traction. Be ready for the long haul if you want to make a business or career out of it.
How do you select your books’ titles and covers?
For the title, I look at the overall premise of the book and try to think of catchy words that properly reflect the plot and character of that book. For the cover, I determine a scene from the novel that is the most visually stunning or catching to the eye.
What’s your next step?
As in my author career? I continue to build the Heroes of Time fantasy series as well as the Penny Pangolin children’s picture book series, and that’s what I’ll be doing for the foreseeable future.
Tell us something unexpected about yourself!
I try to play basketball with a group of guys every week (whenever I’m not traveling). As for travel, I’ve been to nearly 40 countries and almost 30 US States.
What book do you wish you’d written?
Harry Potter. This series hit all the right notes to become a cultural phenomenon. I love how fans are able to engage with the content of this series in a way that has blossomed such creative merchandising, iconic films, theme parks, and ways for people to feel a part of the world with things like magic wands and the Houses of Hogwarts. Plus, I love the success story of J.K. Rowling going from nothing to one of the most successful authors in history. The idea of my own world becoming even a fraction of that kind of franchise is very exciting to me.
How do you react to seeing a new review for your book?
I’m thrilled to see positive reviews and wish I could thank everyone that leaves one.
Jun 27, 2024 | Action & Adventure, Editorial reviews, Fantasy, International Review of Books
Which line stood out from all the others in the book?
“As quickly and quietly as my thieving little feet would carry me, I padded the last few feet to the door.” (p. 292) Ah, the brilliance of humor smack dab in the middle of an epic battle!
General Summary for Context:
An evil whispering through the world rouses Niri Lekani from her secluded home, and sends her careening headlong into a journey that she’s determined will end in the death of Mistress Witch. But though her mission is clear, the pathway to get there becomes muddied with pain, loss, and a haunting pair of blue eyes from her aching past.Through the agony of death, and the hope of love, Niri finds herself battling an ancient demon in a desperate effort to save herself, her friends, and all worlds where the Witch can reach them.One question she must answer: What is the definition of victory?
It isn’t until the bitter end that Niri uncovers a shocking secret within the fourth book of magic that she knows will send her hurtling into the next battle in her war with Mistress Witch. But this time, armed with her secret and her convictions, Niri might discover the answer to what it truly means to be victorious–and what terrible sacrifices might be demanded of her in order to achieve it.
Concise Review:
Spirit Quest by Tim McRae is an intoxicating mix of powerful storytelling and breathtaking magic. It’s a book that leaves the heart pounding and aching in turns. I requested to read it because I figured I’d be able to review it favorably, but what started out as a desire to read a better-than-average book, quickly morphed into a wrenching need to devour the pages, while suffering the ache of knowing I was blowing through them WAY too fast.
I couldn’t put it down, but I wanted the book to never end, and the conflicting emotions were sometimes agony.
More than the storytelling and magic though, Spirit Quest was a story of emotional beauty and sadness that stabbed me clear to my core. What I thought would be a rivalry between women turned out to be the beginning of a deep and lasting friendship. What I distrusted as a betrayal waiting to happen turned out to be a love of the ages.
Spirit Quest surprised me at every turn. They say that every story out there has already been told in one way or another, but if that’s true (I’m highly sceptical now), I don’t think that applies to Tim McRae. The story within these pages was fresh, exciting, and deeply, profoundly alluring.
I read this book for free as a little side job, but I’ll pay for the next book in the series a hundred times over, regardless of how much it costs! Just one question I have for the author: Can I have the next book NOW, please?
General thoughts on the Novel:
Dear Tim,
I read the final battle scene for Spirit Quest with a raging thunderstorm outside, and there is no way I could possibly describe to you what that felt like. In a word, though: Incredible!!! I LOVED this book, and I wasn’t joking about wanting the next book in the series right freaking now! (Seriously, how close are you to being done with it?)
Feb 9, 2024 | Editorial reviews, Fantasy, International Review of Books, Romance
Which line stood out from all the others in the book?
Rabbie arched an eyebrow arched an eyebrow in surprise and chuckled. “Och, aye? Now that is something we should go see about, wouldna ye say, Andy? I’m nigh on famished.” To understand why this is such a great line and a laugh out loud moment you would have to read the book!
General Summary for Context:
This is a book that mixes genres, Romance, Historical, Time Travel, Comedy, and Fantasy. There are some laugh-out-loud moments that I really enjoyed. It is what I would call a tongue-in-cheek kind of novel for people who enjoy books that don’t take themselves too seriously; for example, it is much more a romantic romp through the Highlands than an educational historical novel.
Concise Review:
Embrace the Lace by Shannon MacLeod was a pure delight from beginning to end. I couldn’t put it down and was caught up in the magical romance from the very first page.
You might think that mixing Historical Romance, Time Travel, and Fantasy was a recipe for disaster… and you would definitely be wrong! It shouldn’t work but it does. Laird Andrew MacIver lives in Scotland, the year is 1659. After the deaths of his parents and his young wife, Andrew has had a year of mourning and now, for the sake of his clan, must choose a new wife. His uncle Alasdair is plotting Andrew’s downfall and moves in the shadows to bring disaster to Andrew and his loyal men. Thankfully, help is at hand with one of the most interesting characters in the book—a Brownie called Brown Tom. With a little magical interference, a potential partner for the clan leader is pulled through the faerie pond. Enter Evangeline (Van for short) Darling, all the way from present-day America! The three-foot mischievous Brown Tom dons the personality of a fairy godmother, but instead of sending Van to the ball, he dresses her as a warrior and sends her to battle!
The romance between Andrew and Van is intense and their banter is a sheer delight. There are several real laugh-out-loud moments as well as plenty of chuckle moments. But they are not the only interesting characters; the author has given everyone a unique personality that brings them to life. It is a fabulous romantic comedy—oops another genre! Don’t worry they all work perfectly well together for us readers who love both passion and a light-hearted historical romance. With swaggering men and simpering lasses, and one kick-ass heroine, this is an unputdownable read. I love the author’s tongue-in-cheek take and highly recommend this to people who love pure escapism.
General thoughts on the Novel:
Enjoyable historical romance. I would definitely read something by this author again.